
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Thoreau in Minnesota Flanagan, John T. 1935 Minnesota History
Henry David Thoreau, Lower Sioux Agency, Minnesota River Observations
The Lai Qui Parle Indian Mission Gates, Charles M 1935 Minnesota History
Sioux Mission Station, Lac qui Parle, Sioux
Excavating the Site of Old Fort Ridgely Smith , Hubert G. 1939 Minnesota History
Fort Ridgely, New Ulm, Excavation
The Watonwan River Haycraft, Julius E. 1945 Sentinel Publishing Co.
Fairmont , MN ,
Watonwan River, Ferry and Mill Activity, Historical Events
Building the Railroad of the Minnesota Valley Allen , Gale 1947 Macalester College
St. Paul , MN ,
Railroad, Southern Minnesota Railroad Company, Minnesota Valley Railroad Company
Mankato flood, 1951 1951
1952 Flood Disaster Book 1952 St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press
St. Paul , MN ,
Photographs, Flooding, Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers
Agricultural Drainage in Blue Earth County Minnesota Burns, Bert Earl 1954 University of Nebraska
Lincoln , NE ,
Agriculture: Soil Bank: A Winning Bet Time Magazine 1956 Time Magazine
Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Carver , Jonathan 1956 Ross and Hines Inc
Old Fort Snelling: 1819-1858 Hansen , Marcus L 1958 Ross and Haines, Inc.
Minneapolis , MN ,
Fort Snelling History, Pike, American Indians
Fisheries Stream Survey Report: Redwood River (Camden State Park) 1959 Minnesota Division of Game and Fish, Section of Research and Planning
Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River : Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, andc., performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Stephen H. Long, U.S.T.E. Keating, William Hypolitus 1959 Ross and Haines
Minneapolis , MN ,
Report to the Legislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs Minnesota Legislature, Leislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs 1959
Report of the Legislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs MN Legislature, Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs 1959 The Commission
St. Paul , MN ,
Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, and c. performed in the year 1823 Keating, William H 1959 Ross and Haines Inc.
Minneapolis , MN ,
Stephen Long, Geological Characteristics, Jonathan Carver
The Minnesota River: Report to the Upper Mississippi Reservoir and Minnesota River Valley development Interim Commission 1960 MN Dept of Conservation, Division of Waters
The Minnesota River: Report to the Upper Mississippi River Reservoir and Minnesota River Valley Development Interim Commission Minnesota Department of Conservation 1960 Minnesota Department of Conservation
St. Paul , MN ,
Upper Mississippi Reservoir, Minnesota River Valley Development Commission, Minnesota State Legislature
The Shakopee Story Coller, Julius A 1960 North Star Pictures, Inc.
Shakopee , MN ,
Shakopee, Shakopee Tribe, Shakopee History
River Survey Report, Minnesota River (Part) M-55 1960 MN Division of Game an Fish, Section of Research and Planning
