Blue Earth River Subbasin: Study Area 1 of the Minnesota River Basin portion of a Southern Minneota Rivers Basin Study |
1972 |
US Dept of Agriculture |
Minnesota River Basin Reconnaissance Study |
US Army Corps of Engineers St Paul District |
December 2004 |
US Corps of Engineers |
Minnesota River Basin |
mnriverbasinreconnaissancestudy |
Indian Creek: an Environmental assessment |
Mankato State College, Urban and Regional Studies Institute |
1974 |
Urban and Regional Studies Institute |
mnpals |
Comprehensive Master Plan for the Management of the Upper Mississippi River System |
1982 |
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission |
Capability of the Lower Minnesota River to Support Additional Commercial Navigation |
Edwards and Kelcey, Inc |
1976 |
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission |
Commercial Navigation, Transportation, Navigation |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission Natural Resources Management Plan |
Jorgens, Thomas P. |
Sep-1978 |
Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission |
Upper Minnesota Valley Regoinal Development Commission, Natural Resources Management, Advisory Document |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Overall Plan: Upper Minnesota River Watershed District in Parts of Big Stone, Lac Qui Parle, Stevens, Swift and Traverse Counties |
Dingels, Stephen |
1988 |
Upper Minnesota River Watershed District |
Watershed-Resource Management, Minnesota River Headwaters, Watershed Information |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Upper Minnesota River Comprehensive Basin Study |
1972 |
Upper Minnesota River Basin Coordinating Committee |
Chapter 11: Restoring Hydrologic Function of Altered Landscapes: An Integrated Watershed Management Approach |
Brooks, Kenneth N |
Univesity of Minnesota |
Hydrology, Watershed Management, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota, St. Paul | |
Impacts of land-use changes on the hydrologic regime in the Minnesota River Basin |
Ennaanay, D |
2006 |
Univerysity of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
Pond and Brook |
Caduto, Michael J. |
1985 |
University Press of New England |
Agricultural Drainage in Blue Earth County Minnesota |
Burns, Bert Earl |
1954 |
University of Nebraska |
mrbtr |
The Influence of Watershed Hydrology and Stream Geomorphology on Turbidity, Sediment and Nutrients in Tributaries of the Blue Earth River, Minnesota, USA |
Lenhart, C.F. |
2008 |
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities |
The nature and effects of county drainage ditches in South Central Minnesota |
Quade, Henry W |
1980 |
University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center |
mnpals |
A limnological Compilation of water quality of the Minnesota River watershed, in Minnesota |
Feind, T |
1981 |
University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center |
mnpals |
A Survey of the Mussels of the Minnesota River, 1989 |
Bright, R.C. |
1990 |
University of Minnesota, Bell Museum of Natural History |
Are Stream's Clarity Getting Better Over Time? A Statistical and Graphical Analysis of Minnesota Streams and Minnesota River Basins |
Le, Laura |
2009 |
University of Minnesota Thesis |
mrbtr |
The histroy of the upper Mississippi river in late Wisconsin and postglacial time |
Cooper, William Skinner |
1935 |
University of Minnesota Press |
mnpals |
The Streams and Rivers of Minnesota |
Waters, Thomas F. |
1977 |
University of Minnesota Press |
Sioux Uprising of 1862, Formation of Valley, Tributaries |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Minnesota's Geology |
Ojakangas, Richard W |
1982 |
University of Minnesota Press |
Geologic History, Mineral Resources, Regional Geography |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |