Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota |
Patterson, Carrie J |
1998 |
University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota |
Patterson, Carrie J |
1998 |
University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Hooking Mortality of Walleye Caught on Live and Artificial Baits |
Payer, Ronald D |
1987 |
Walleye, Live Baits, Artificial Baits |
Indexing Minnesota fish lakes relative to potential susceptibility to acidic deposition |
Payer, Ronald D |
1985 |
mnpals |
Sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen demanding substances in the Minnesota River Basin, 1989-92 |
Payne, G.A |
1994 |
Sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen demanding substances in the Minnesota River Basin, 1989-92 |
Payne, G.A. |
1994 |
U.S. Department of the Interior- Geological Survey |
mnpals |
Sacred and mysterious the Grand Mound |
Pellman, Ted |
1996 |
mnpals |
The Early History of Steamboating on the Minnesota River |
Petersen, William John |
1930 |
Minnesota History |
Steamboats, Commercial Travel, Transportation |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
An atlas of nonpoint source pollution potential in the Minnesota River Basin |
Peterson, Charles V |
1991 |
Water Resources Center, Mankato State University |
mnpals |
Nonpoint source pollution potential model of the Minnesota River Basin watersheds:MPAP Level 1-land use |
Peterson, Charles V |
1993 |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
mnpals |
Nonpoint Source Pollution Potential Model of the Minnesota River Basin Watershed MRAP Level I-Land Use |
Peterson, Charles V |
1993 |
Creel Survey of the Blue Earth River, 5 May-21 September, 1984 |
Peterson, D.L. |
1984 |
MNDNR, Division of Fisheries |
Management of Ponds for Bait-Leeches in Minnesota |
Peterson, Dirk L |
1982 |
Bait-Leech, Pond, Otter Tail County |
Minnesota Live Bait Industry Assessment Report |
Peterson, Dirk L |
1980 |
Live Bait, Bait-Fish, Minnow |
A Brief Agrarian History of the Cottonwood River Watershed in Southwestern Minnesota |
Petrolia, Daniel R |
2006 |
University of Minnesota |
| |
A teacher's guide for geologic field investigations in Minnesota |
Phinney, William C |
1967 |
Dept of Education |
mnpals |
Light Trap Sampling of Juvenile Northern Pike in Wetlands Affected by Water Level Regulation |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2007 |
Northern Pike, Wetlands, Light Trap Sampling |
Long-term evaluations of northern pike experimental regulations in Minnesota lakes |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2010 |
Northern Pike, Abundance of Northern Pike, Yellow Perch |
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2005 |
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat |
gully erosion and environmental change: Implications and research needs |
Poesen , J |
2003 |
Catena |