
The Early History of Steamboating on the Minnesota River

Petersen, William John
This paper draws on newspaper accounts and other historical reports to discuss the use of steamboats for pleasure, transportation, and commercial travel on the Minnesota River in the nineteenth century. The author explores the role that growing river-valley towns and the formation of the Sioux agencies played in the need for steamboat transport in the 1850s and 1860s.

History of Steamboating on the Minnesota River

Hughes, Thomas
Following a brief discussion of early navigation on the Minnesota River by voyageurs and explorers, this article focuses on the use of steamboats fro pleasure and commerce along the river during the nineteenth century. The earliest trips are described, and the role of steamboats in supporting early settlement of the valley is highlighted. Steamboat traffic from 1852 through 1871 is detailed, including boat names, destinations and purposes, while factors contributing to its demise by the end of the century are asserted.
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