
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Incised Channels, Morphology, Dynamic, and Control Schumm, S.A 1984 Water Resources Publication
Littleton , CO ,
An Ecological Classification of Minnesota Lakes with Associated Fish Communiteis Schupp, Dennis H 1992 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPUE
Minnesota's Rocks and Waters: A Geological Story Schwatz, George M 1963 The University of Minnesota Press
Minneapolis , MN ,
Geological Features, Minnesota River Valley Rock Formation, Minnesota's Waters
Dead Zone Website Science Museum of Minnesota
Hydrologic Unit Maps Seaber, P.R. 1994 USGS Water-Supply Paper
Streambank slumping and its contribution to the phosphorus and suspended sediment loads of the Blue Earth River, Minnesota Sekely, A.C. 2002 J Soil Water Conserv
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Senjem, Norman 1997 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Senjem, Norman Nov-1997 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin, Water Quality, Basin Programs
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Senjem, Norman 1997 MPCA
MN ,
Sediment Problems and Solutions for the Minnesota River Senjem, Norman B. 1996 Minnesota Extension Service, Unitversity of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Sediment, Tillage
Canoeing with the Cree, reprint ed. Sevareid, Eric 1968 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Hudson Bay, Canoe, Eric Sevareid
Study: Ethanol production more efficient in Minnesota Shine, Conor 2009 Minnesota Daily
Induced Winterkill as a Management Tool for Reclaiming Minnesota Walleye Rearing Ponds Shroyer, Steven M 2007 MDNR
Walleye, Rearing Ponds, Induced Winterkill
Effects of prohibiting harvest of largemouth bass on the largemouth bass and bluegill fisheries in two Minnesota lakes Shroyer, Steven M 2003 MDNR
Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Harvest Prohibiting
South Branch Yellow Medicine River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Report Shuler, David J 2004 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Fecal Coliform, TMDL, South Branch Yellow Medicine River
Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of Minnesota Sietman, Bernard 2003 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Minnesota River Clean-Up: Ten Years Later Sigford, Kris 2002 Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Minneapolis , MN ,
Minnesota River, Pollution Sources, River Cleanup
A Quantitative geomorphological study of public drainage ditches in south central Minnesota Silis, Ainars 1979 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
A Model of channel response in disturbed alluvial channels Simon, A 1989 Earth Surface Porcesses and Landforms
Geology of Minnesota: A Centennial Volume Sims, P.K. 1972 Minnesota Geological Survey
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Geological Survey, Minnesota Geology, Minnesota River Valley Region
