University of Minnesota Extension Service

Minnesota River Basin Water Quality Overview

Mulla , D.J.
Presenting an overview of the water quality of the Minnesota River Basin, this Extension Service report includes a discussion of specific water quality concerns (pathogens, sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen), an historic perspective on Minnesota River water quality, local water-quality goals, state and federal water-quality standards, regional patterns in pollution, pollution sources, and an implementation strategy for cleanup.

Sediment Problems and Solutions for the Minnesota River

Senjem, Norman B.
Addressing the problem of sediment in the Minnesota River, this Extension Service booklet includes a description of: sediment sources, the 40 percent reduction goal set by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and tillage guidelines for reaching this goal (e.g., crop rotation, drainage, planting, fertilization, and weed control).

Description of the Minnesota River Basin and General Recommendations of Residue Management Systems for Sediment Control

Moncrief, John F.
This Extension Service publication discusses the higher levels of sediment load found in the Minnesota River when compared to the St. Croix and Mississippi, identifying the differences among the rivers (e.g., vegetation, agricultural activity, and soil texture) that contribute to this disparity. Recommendations are provided for tillage and manure practices that may reduce sediment runoff.
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