
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Indexing Minnesota fish lakes relative to potential susceptibility to acidic deposition Payer, Ronald D 1985 MNDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
The Role of Research in Minnesota Fisheries Management Davis, Robert 1985 MDNR
Fisheries Management, Creel Surveys, Management Technique
Biological Survey of the Minnesota River Kirsh , N.A. 1985 MNDNR, Division of Game and Fish
1984 Mississippi River bacteria study Fandrei, Gary L. 1985 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
1984 Mississippi River bacteria study Fandrei, Gary L. 1985 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
Biological Survery of the Minnesota River Kirsch, Nancy A. 1985 Minnesota Department of Natural Rsources- Division of Fish and Wildlife
St. Paul , MN ,
Stream Survey, Land-Use Practices, Fish and Wildlife Resources
Acid Rain: intensive study lakes program: status Report for the study lakes (1981-1984) Heiskary, Steven A 1985 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
An atlas of selected factors affecting groundwater quality, Blue Earth County, Minnesota: a report to the Blue Earth County Commissioners Blue Earth County Ground Water Study Committee 1985 Blue Earth County
Mankato , MN ,
Magnitude and Problems of Nonpoint Pollution from Urban and Urbanizing Areas Obertus , Gary L. 1985
St. Paul , MN ,
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) of the Upper Mississippi river (1975-1982) MPCA 1985 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
Pond and Brook Caduto, Michael J. 1985 University Press of New England
Evaluation of Flathead Catfish as a Predator in a Minnesota Lake Davis, Robert 1985 MDNR
Flathead Catfish, Predation, Fish Population
Minnesota State and federal wild and scenic rivers program ordinance adoption status report MDNR 1986 MDNR, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program
St. Paul , MN ,
Shoreline Seining for Young-of-the-Year Largemouth Bass as a Method of Predicting Recruitment to the Anglers Catch Newburg, Huon 1986 MDNR
Seining, Largemouth Bass, Anglers
Final internship report: United States Army Corps of Engineers and City of Mankato, Minnesota Czarzasty, John L 1986
A statistical examination of bank erosion and channel migration in western Canada Nanson, G.C. 1986 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
The Dakota or Sioux in Minnesota As They Were in 1834 Pond, Samuel W 1986 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Dakota, Sioux, Fort Snelling
Evaluation of Winter Lake Aeration techniques in Minnesota Davis, Robert 1986 MDNR
Lake Aeration, Surface Bubbler, Oxygen Concentration
Water-quality trends in the nation's rivers Smith , R.A. 1987 Science
Nonpoint pollution of the Upper Mississippi River Helland , John K. 1987 Research Dept, MN House of Representatives
St. Paul , MN ,
