
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile: Middle Minnesota USDA USDA
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile: Cottonwood USDA USDA
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile: Redwood USDA USDA
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile : Lac qui Parle USDA USDA
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile, Pomme de Terre USDA USDA
Rapid Watershed Assessment USDA USDA
2000-2001 Pesticide Market Estimates USEPA
Accuracy and Precision of Hydroacoustic Esitmates of Aquatic Vegetation and the Repeatability of Whole-Lake Surveys: Field Tests with a Commercial Echosounder Valley, Ray D 2005 MDNR
Vegetation, Whole-Lake Surveys, Commercial Echosounder
Nonparametric tests for tend in water quality van Belle, G 1984 Water Resources Research
Three Score Years and Ten,' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West Van Cleve, Charlotte Ouisconsin 1895 Harrison and Smith
Minneapolis , MN ,
Fort Snelling, American Indians, Military Installations
A Regional Survey of Malformed Frogs in Minnesota Vandenlangenberg, Susan M Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Evaluation of an ELISA Method for Acetochlor Analysis in the Le Sueur River Watershed VanRyswyk, Bill 2009 MDA
St. Paul , MN ,
ELISA Method, Le Sueur River Watershed, Acetochlor Analysis
Water resources of the Minnesota River-Hawk Creek River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota VanVoast, W.A. 1972 USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota 1970-2001 Vecchia, A.V. 2005 USFS
Washington , DC ,
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for Souris River, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and Manitoba Vecchia, A.V. 2000 USGS
Bismark , ND ,
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Vibrant Films Inc 1981 Vibrant Films, Inc
Minneapolis , MN ,
Wallbrink, PJ 1996 Americal Journal of the Soil Science Society
Wallbrink, PJ 1993 Hydrological Processes
Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring in River Basins Walling , D.E. 1992 Oslo Symposium
Tracing suspended sediment sources in catchments and river systems Walling , DE 2005 Science of the Total Environment
