Water Quality

Blue Earth River Water Quality Segment Plan

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality
This management plan, one of a series of river-segment plans prepared to fulfill the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, was intended to develop an implantation strategy for improving water quality in the Blue Earth River subbasin o f the Minnesota River. The plan includes a description of the area (location and boundaries, water-quality classification), point-source discharges (municipal, industrial, and livestock feedlot), and an abatement schedule for noncompliant dischargers. A river-segment map is appended.

Minnesota River Basin: Water Quality Management Basin Plan

Minnesota Pollution Contorl Agency- Division of Water Quality
Prepared to comply with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 197s, this plan was intended to coordinate water pollution control activities in the Minnesota River Basin. It includes sections on basin planning (e.g., water-quality requirements, state monitoring, and permitting) and long-range planning programs (e.g., Clean Lakes, nonpoint-source pollution) in Minnesota, as well as state flood plain and shoreland management.

Minnesota River Basin Water Quality Overview

Mulla , D.J.
Presenting an overview of the water quality of the Minnesota River Basin, this Extension Service report includes a discussion of specific water quality concerns (pathogens, sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen), an historic perspective on Minnesota River water quality, local water-quality goals, state and federal water-quality standards, regional patterns in pollution, pollution sources, and an implementation strategy for cleanup.

Minnesota River Watershed Water Quality: An Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality, Monitoring and Analysis Section
This study was intended to provide technical information needed to identify sources of nonpoint pollution to the Minnesota River, so that a waste load allocation study could be conducted accurately for the metropolitan segment. The report includes a description of the study area (e.g., physical characteristics, land use, and climate), study methodology (e.g., sampling), and data analysis (e.g., water-quality violations, streamflows). Study data and chart are appended.

The Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Executive Summary

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Providing a summary of the Minnesota River Assessment Project, this publication includes a brief background of the study, river issues addressed (such as water quality and pollutants), study results, conclusions, and recommendations. The full report consists of four volumes.

Executive Summary

Minnestoa River Assessment Project Report: Physical and Chemical Assessment

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
This second volume of the Minnesota River Assessment Project Report contains five sections. The first reports on sampling conducted on the river, ten tributaries, and twenty-one springs to determine sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen-demanding substances. The second provides a hydrogeologic overview of the river basin, evaluates spring and groundwater contributions, and identifies human-impacted springs and groundwater systems.

Minnesota River Basin Information Document

Senjem, Norman
This document provides a broad overview of basin planning and management in the Minnesota River Basin. In addition to information on the basin management process and its potential role in improving water quality, extensive background is provided on: the river basin (e.g., physical characteristics, origins, tributaries, and wetlands), impacts of historical settlement (e.g., agriculture, drainage), current land use trends, major watersheds, ecoregions, water resources, monitoring, water pollution sources, and environmentally sensitive and culturally significant areas.


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