
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
The Distribution of Crayfishes in Minnesota Helgen, Judith C 1990 MDNR
Crayfish, Distribution, Identification
Nonpoint pollution of the Upper Mississippi River Helland , John K. 1987 Research Dept, MN House of Representatives
St. Paul , MN ,
Statistical methods in water resources. Techniques of Water-Resources investigations of the United State Geological Survey Helsel, D.R 1991 Hydrologic Analysis and Interpretation Department of Interior
St. Paul's past river, railroads and Rondo Henehan, Brendan 1991 Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul , MN ,
Minneapolis past Henehan, Brendan 1993 Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul , MN ,
A Neglected Cause of the Sioux Uprising Henig , Gerald S 1976 Minnesota History
Sioux Uprising of 1862, U.S. Civil War, Union
Comments to applications for Department of Army permit(s) and State of Minnesota protected waters permit: Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern Railroad Corporation construction into the Powder River Basin Hentges, Patrick W 2000 City of Mankato, MN
Mankato , MN ,
Heron Lake Improvement Project Heron Lake Game Producers Assn 1988 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
A Look at Minnesota Corn Yields over Time Hicks, Dale R 2005 University of Minnesota
Nutrient Accumulation, Decomposition and sedimentation of aquatic macrophytes in southern Minnesota Hill, Brian H 1977 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Macrophytes, Nutrient, Decomposition and Sedimentation
Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data Hirsch, R.M 1982 Water Resources Ressearch
A Multistep Automatic Calibration Scheme for River Forecasting Models Hogue, Terri S 2000 American Meterological Soceity
GIS Assessment of the Lower Minnesota Watershed Holmen, Dave R St. Mary's University of Minnesota
Winona , MN ,
Minnesota's Major Historic Sites: A Guide Holmquist, June Drenning 1972 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Valley, Historic Sites, Photographs
Minnesota among nation's farmers market hot spots Holt, Jerry 2009 Minneapolis Star Tribune
River guardian Holtz, Kristin 2011 Chaska Herald
Chaska , MN ,
Minnesota DNR, Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, Eagle Creek
An Economic Analysis of Flood Damage Reduction Alternatives in the Minnesota River Basin Hopeman, Alan Roswell Jr. 1973 Water Resources Research Center- University of Minnesota Graduate School
Minneapolis , MN ,
Flooding, Economic Analysis, Flood-Hazard Areas
A Fish and Wildlife Survey of the Minnesota River Near New Ulm Huber, E.V. 1971 MNDNR, Division of Game and Fish
A Fish and Wildlife Survey of the Minnesota River Near New Ulm Huber, Earl 1971 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources-Division of Game and Fish, Section of Technical Services
Fish and Wildlife Resources, Dam, Reservoir
History of Steamboating on the Minnesota River Hughes, Thomas 1905 Minnesota Historical Soceity Collections
Steamboats, Voyageurs, Explorers
