
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Thoreau and Mann on the Minnesota River, June 1861 Harding, Walter 1961 Minnesota History
Henry David Thoreau, Horace Mann Jr., Lower Sioux Agency
The Sioux Uprising of 1862 Carley, Kenneth 1961 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Sioux Indians, White Settler, Sioux Uprising of 1862
The Minnesota: Forgotten River Jones, Evan 1962 Holt, Rinehart and Winston
New York , NY ,
Rivers of America, Glacial History, Sioux Uprising of 1862
Minnesota River from Ortonville (Big Stone Lake) to Fort Snelling (Mississippi River): survey in September 1963 Ryberg, Clyde N. 1963 North Central Marine Association
Minneapolis , MN ,
Ortonville, Fort Snelling, Survey
Report on oil spills affecting the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers, winter 1962-1963 Robert A Taft Sanitary Engineering Center 1963
Cincinnati ,
Minnesota's Rocks and Waters: A Geological Story Schwatz, George M 1963 The University of Minnesota Press
Minneapolis , MN ,
Geological Features, Minnesota River Valley Rock Formation, Minnesota's Waters
Minnesota River: From Ortonville, Big Stone Lake to Fort Snelling, Mississippi River Ryberg, Clyde N. 1963 North Central Marine Association
Minneapolis , MN ,
Canoe, State Parks, Camping Facilities
The proposed lower Minnesota River improvement project Fischer, Robert L 1964
An Accelerated water resource program fro the Red River Basin MN Legislature, Outdoor Resources Commission 1964 Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission
St. Paul , MN ,
Fluvial processes in geomorphology Leopold , L.B. 1964 WH Freeman
New York , NY ,
Lac Qui Parle and the Dakota Mission Willand , John 1964 Lac Qui Parle County Historical Society
Madison , WI ,
Dakota, Minnesota Historical Society, Lac qui Parle
Lower Minnesota River Study 1963-1964: Report on the Investigation of the Lower Minnesota River and Tributaries from Carver Rapids to the Mouth. Minnesota Department of Health - Division of Environmental Health, Section of Water Pollution Control 1964 Minnesota Water pollution Control Commission
Minneapolis , MN ,
Carver Rapids, Mississippi River, Lower Minnesota River
The Last Great Flood: Minnesota River Valley 1965 1965 Advertising Unlimited, Inc. and Mankato Graphic Arts
MN ,
Photographs, Flooding, Minnesota River Valley 1965
A Biological Report on the Upper Watonwan River Watershed Nelson, R.D. 1965 MN Dept of Conservation, Division of Game and Fish
Biological Survey of the East Branch of the Chippewa River Watershed: Pope, Swift, Kandiyohi, Douglas Counties Larson , Gerald W 1965 Minnesota Department of Conservation- Division of Game and Fish
St. Paul , MN ,
Chippewa River Watershed, Wetland, Biological Survey
A Biological Rport on the Upper Watonwan River Watershed: Cottonwood, Watonwan, and Brown Counties Nelson, Roy D. 1965 Minnesota Department of Conservation- Division of Game and Fish, Section of Research and Planning
St. Paul , MN ,
Watonwan River Watershed, Fishery and Wildlife, Flood Control
The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike: To the Headwaters of the Mississippi River, Through Louisiana Territory, and in New Spain, During the Years 1805-6-7 Coues , Elliot 1965 Ross and Haines Inc.
Minneapolis , MN ,
Pike, Fort Snelling, Louisiana Purchase
Environmental monitoring program for the Allen S. King generating plant at Oak Park Heights, Minnesota Northern States Power Company, Engineering Dept 1966 The Company
Minneapolis , MN ,
The Minnesota River: A Biological Reconnaissance of the Minnesota River from Lac Qui Parle Dam to Mankato Schneider, James A 1966 Minnesota Conservation Department- Division of Game and Fish
St. Paul , MN ,
Upper Minnesota River, Fish and Game Survey, Biological Conditions
Aquatic Biologist Minnesota Conservation Department Schneider, James A 1966 Division of Game and Fish
Minnesota DNR
