
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
A Quantitative geomorphological study of public drainage ditches in south central Minnesota Silis, Ainars 1979 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Limnological investigation of the Cannon River- County ditch 59 watershed of Lake Tetonka MNSU Department of Biology 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
The origin of Populus deltoides and Salix interior zones on Point Bars along the Minnesota River Noble, M. G. 1979 American Midland Naturalist
Creativity, Conflict and Controversy: A History of St. Paul District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Merritt, Raymond H 1979 U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington , DC ,
Army Corps of Engineers, Water-Resource Development, Minnesota River Valley
Limnological investigation of the Cannon River- County ditch 59 watershed of Lake Tetonka MNSU Department of Biology 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
River management policy document MNDNR 1980 MNDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
River Mangement, Legislation
A Guide to buying and selling property along wild and scenic rivers the Cannon River: Faribault to the Mississippi River Harper, Jane 1980 MDNR Rivers Section
St. Paul , MN ,
Comparison of Marks on Scales and Dorsal Spine Sections as Indicators of Walleye Age Olson, Donald E. 1980 MDNR
Walleye, Lake Winnibigoshish, Walleye Age
Chaska: A Minnesota River City (Volume II: 1900-1950) Barac, LaVonne E 1980 Chaska Bicentennial Committee
Chaska , MN ,
Chaska, Flooding, Chaska History
Ground Water Hydrology of Swift County, Minnesota Fax, J.G. 1980 MNDNR
Southeast Minnesota Tributaries basin report US Soil Conservation Service 1980 The Department
Washington , DC ,
Effects of Winterkill and Chemical Eradication of Fish on a Lake Ecosystem Bandow, Farrell 1980 MDNR
Chemical Eradication, Lake Ecosystem, Bullhead
A Comparative Water Quality Study of man-made drainage ditches and natural streams in south central Minnesota Boyum, Kent W 1980 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Hiniker Pond: final supplement, final envrionmental impact statement, Minnesota River, Minnesota, Mankato- North Mankato-Le Hillier flood control, phase I recreation development plan Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers 1980 Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Live Bait Industry Assessment Report Peterson, Dirk L 1980 MDNR
Live Bait, Bait-Fish, Minnow
Rates of recent sedimentation to the Mississippi River upstream of Lake Pepin McHenry, J.R. 1980 Water Resources Bulletin
The nature and effects of county drainage ditches in South Central Minnesota Quade, Henry W 1980 University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center
Mankato , MN ,
A limnological Compilation of water quality of the Minnesota River watershed, in Minnesota Feind, T 1981 University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center
Minneapolis , MN ,
Changes in Sediment Storage in the Coon Creek Basin, Driftless Area, Wisconsin, 1853 to 1975 Trimble, S 1981 Science 9
Flood control Minnesota River, Minnesota, Mankato-North Mankato- Le Hiller: design memorandum no. 8- Part I (Location Study) and draft supplement II to the final environmental impact statement for brige relocations: Main Street, trunk Highway 60 bridge ov Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers 1981 Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers
St. Paul , MN ,
