
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Cloudy-Sky Waters: An Annotated Bibliography of the Minnesota River Cafaro, Kris Bronars 2004 Center for Rural Regional Studies
310 Second Street Southwest Minnesota State University
56143 Marshall , MN ,
An Historical Perpective of Hydrologic Changes in Seven Mile Creek Watershed Kuehner , Kevin 2004 Brown Nicollet Cottonwood Water Quality Board
The timing of regional Late-glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior Brckenridge, A 2004 Quaternary Science Review
2004 Final TMDL List of Impaired Waters Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2004
Executive summary: the Rapidan Dam research project: environmental impacts of converting a run-of-the-river low head hydroelectric dam to a peaking operation: context, findings, and needs Quade, Henry W 2004 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
Executive summary: the Rapidan Dam research project: environmental impacts of converting a run-of-the-river low head hydroelectric dam to a peaking operation: context, findings, and needs Quade, Henry W 2004 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
Nutrient Management Assessment of Producers Seven Mile Creek Watershed, 2002 MN Department of Agriuculture 2004 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Produces, Management Assessment
Watershed management: a historical survey of precipitation and flow in the Redwood River watershed Goodrich , Douglas Allen 2004
Factors Affecting Black Crappie Recruitment in Four West-Central Minnesota Lakes Parsons, Bradford G 2004 MDNR
Black Crappie, West-Central Minnesota Lakes, Larval Sampling
A historical perspective of hydrologic changes in 7-mile Creek Watershed. In Self-sustaining solutions for streams, wetlands, and watersheds Kuhner, K 2004 ASABE
St. Paul , MN ,
Proposal to Develop an Advanced Water-Quality Model fo the Minnesota River, Jordan to the mouth, and Counduct River Monitoring and Studies to Support the Model Larson, Catherine E 2004 Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
St. Paul , MN ,
Lower Minnesota River, Water Quality, River Monitoring
Elderly Minnesotans: A 2000 Census Portrait Minnesota State Demographic Center 2004
The Rapidan Dam research project: environmental impacts of converting a run-of-the-river low head hydroelectric dam to a peaking operation Ruff, Gregg 2004 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
Minnesota Nonpoint Sources Management Program Plan 2008 Birr, Adam 2004 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Blue Earth River heavily polluted Steil, Mark 2005 MPR
Blue Earth River, Pollutant, Sediment
Could BT-Engineered Pest Resistant Trees be Hazardous to Aquatic Invertebrates Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Invertebrates, Pesticide, Toxicity
Tillage and nutrient source impacts on water quality and corn grain yield from a flat landscape Thoma , D.P. 2005 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Land Use and Resource Management
Glacial Sediment Causing Regional-Scale Elevated Arsenic in Drinking Water Erickson, Melinda 2005 Ground Water
Guidance manual for assessing the quality of Minnesota surface waters for the determination of impairment 305(b) report and 303(d) list MPCA 2005 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing Yuan, Fei 2005 Remote Sensing of the Environment
