Water Resources of the Big Fork River watershed, north-central Minnesota |
Lindholm , Gerald F |
1976 |
mnpals |
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for Souris River, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and Manitoba |
Vecchia, A.V. |
2000 |
Effects of historical land-cover changes on flooding and sedimentation, North Fish Creek, Wisconsin |
Fitzpatrick, F.A. |
1999 |
USGS Water |
Hydrologic Unit Maps |
Seaber, P.R. |
1994 |
USGS Water-Supply Paper |
Water Resources of the Cottonwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota |
Broussard, W.L |
1973 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water Resources of the Big Stone Lake Watershed, West-Central Minnesota |
Cotter, R.D. |
1968 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water Resources of the Chippewa River Watershed, West-Central Minnesota |
Cotter, R.D. |
1968 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water Resources of the Lac Qui Parle Watershed West-Central Minnesota |
Cotter, R.D. |
1968 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water Resources of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed |
Anderson, H.W. Jr. |
1994 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water Resources of the Yellow Medicine River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota |
Novitzkl, R.P. |
1969 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Water resources of the Minnesota River-Hawk Creek River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota |
VanVoast, W.A. |
1972 |
USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas |
Water resources of the Redwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota |
1970 |
USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas |
Water quality in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Iowa, and North Dakota, 1995-98 |
Stark , James R |
2000 |
USGS, Water Resources Division |
mnpals |
Statistical methods for environmental pollution monitoring |
Gilbert, R.O. |
1987 |
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company |
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge |
Vibrant Films Inc |
1981 |
Vibrant Films, Inc |
mnpals |
Limnology |
Wetzel, Robert G |
1975 |
W.B. Saunders Co. |
Le Sueur: Town on the River |
Randen, Larry C |
1977 |
Walsworth Publishing Company |
Le Sueur, Bicentennial Horizon History Project, American Indian |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Management of diffuse pollution in agricultural watersheds: Lessons from the Minnesota River Basin |
Brezonik, P.L |
1999 |
Wat. Sci. Tech |
The Minnesota River Basin: Environmental Impact of Basin-Wide Drainage |
Magner, J.A. |
Water Environment Federation |
Rates of recent sedimentation to the Mississippi River upstream of Lake Pepin |
McHenry, J.R. |
1980 |
Water Resources Bulletin |