
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort ascending Location Keywords Source
Phosphorus Loading from the Redwood River Basin: Fractination of Labile and Refractory Components James, William F 2001 WOTS
At the Bend in the River: An Illustrate History of Mankato and North Mankato Lundin, Vernard E 1990 Windsor Publications
Chatsworth , CA ,
Mankato, North Mankato, Flood Control
Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS) Rosgen , D 2006 Wildland Hydrology
Fort Collins , CO ,
A Management Proposal for the Minnesota River (Franklin to Le Sueur) Rivers Section, Bureau of Engineering and Division of Waters- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Jul-1979 Wild and Scenic Rivers Program- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Wild and Scenic River, Management Methods, Le Sueur
Fluvial processes in geomorphology Leopold , L.B. 1964 WH Freeman
New York , NY ,
Board: Minn. should have a say in water appropriation for Big Stone II Cherveny, Tom 2008 West Central Tribune
Minnesota River's sediment load growing Cherveny, Tom 2010 West Central Tribune
Hawk Creek cleaning is making an impact Cherveny, Tom 2011 West Central Tribune
Hawk Creek's secrets revealed Cherveny, Tom 2009 West Central Tribune
Freshwater mussels really matter to river's ecosystem Cherveny, Tom 2008 West Central Tribune
Sacred and mysterious the Grand Mound Pellman, Ted 1996 WDSE-TV
Duluth , MN ,
Consumed by the flames the fire disaster of 1918 WDSE-TV 1991 WDSE-TV
Duluth , MN ,
Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data Hirsch, R.M 1982 Water Resources Ressearch
A limnological Compilation of water quality of the Minnesota River watershed, in Minnesota Feind, T 1981 Water Resources Research Center- University of Minnesota Graduate School
Minneapolis , MN ,
An Economic Analysis of Flood Damage Reduction Alternatives in the Minnesota River Basin Hopeman, Alan Roswell Jr. 1973 Water Resources Research Center- University of Minnesota Graduate School
Minneapolis , MN ,
Flooding, Economic Analysis, Flood-Hazard Areas
Trends in stream quality in the continental United States, 1978-1987 Lettenmaier, D.P 1991 Water Resources Research
Nonparametric tests for tend in water quality van Belle, G 1984 Water Resources Research
Streambank Erosion Along Two Rivers in Iowa Odgaard, A. J. 1987 Water Resources Research
Incised Channels, Morphology, Dynamic, and Control Schumm, S.A 1984 Water Resources Publication
Littleton , CO ,
Nicollet County geologic atlas Quade, Henry W 1991 Water Resources Center, Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
