
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Nonpoint Source Management Program Plan 2001-2005 Montgomery, Bruce 2002 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Biological and Toxicological Assessment Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Biological Assessment, Toxicological Assessment, Minnesota River Assessment Project
Headwaters of the Minnesota River Water Quality Segment Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality Jul-1974 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Big Stone Lake, Marsh Lake
Minnesota Nonpoint Sources Management Program Plan 2008 Birr, Adam 2004 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Senjem, Norman Nov-1997 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin, Water Quality, Basin Programs
Minnesota River Basin: Water Quality Management Basin Plan Minnesota Pollution Contorl Agency- Division of Water Quality 1975 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Water Quality, Minnesota River Basin Planning Programs
Minnesota River Basin: Water Quality Management Basin Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality 1975 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Point-Source Dischargers, Water Quality Standards, County Sewer and Water Plans
A Regional Survey of Malformed Frogs in Minnesota Vandenlangenberg, Susan M Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Identifying sediment sources in the Minnesota River Basin Wilcock, Peter 2009 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Chapter 4A: Lakes Strategy Heiskary, Steven 2000 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Study Shows Reductions in Key Pollutants Christopherson, Dave 2002 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Water Quality, Basins
Lower Minnesota River Wast Load Allocation Study Jacobson, Ronald M. Oct-1985 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Section
St. Paul , MN ,
Pollutant, Point-Source Pollution-Control, Minnesota River
Bacteria in the Minnesota River Nov-1998 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/Minnesota River Joint Powers Board
St. Paul , MN ,
Bacterial Contamination, Water Quality Standards, Bacteria
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River 1998 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/Minnesota River Joint Powers Board
St. Paul , MN ,
Phosphorus, Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Nonpoint Pollution Sources
Draining Swan Lake for the ducks Stachura, Sea 2005 Minnesota Public Radio
Minnesota River Ten Years of Cleaning up Steil, Mark 2005 Minnesota Public Radio
Wetland loss outpacing efforts Gunderson, Dan 2009 Minnesota Public Radio
Analysis of the Minnesota River Valley Trail Minnesota State Planning Agency Dec-1972 Minnesota Resources Commission
Trail, Trail Characteristics, Recreation Proposals
Biological Monitoring in the Minnesota River Basin: 1995-96 Zischke, J.A. Oct-1996 Minnesota River Improvement Project
Northfield and Duluth , MN ,
Biological Monitoring, Minnesota River Improvement Project, River Monitoring
Report on the Minnesota River for the 1963 Legislature Minnesota River Recreation Development Association Minnesota River Recreation Development Association
Le Sueur , MN ,
Land Use
