Factors Affecting Black Crappie Recruitment in Four West-Central Minnesota Lakes |
Parsons, Bradford G |
2004 |
Black Crappie, West-Central Minnesota Lakes, Larval Sampling |
Proposal to Develop an Advanced Water-Quality Model fo the Minnesota River, Jordan to the mouth, and Counduct River Monitoring and Studies to Support the Model |
Larson, Catherine E |
2004 |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Lower Minnesota River, Water Quality, River Monitoring |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
The timing of regional Late-glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior |
Brckenridge, A |
2004 |
Quaternary Science Review |
A historical perspective of hydrologic changes in 7-mile Creek Watershed. In Self-sustaining solutions for streams, wetlands, and watersheds |
Kuhner, K |
2004 |
Elderly Minnesotans: A 2000 Census Portrait |
Minnesota State Demographic Center |
2004 |
mrbtr |
The Rapidan Dam research project: environmental impacts of converting a run-of-the-river low head hydroelectric dam to a peaking operation |
Ruff, Gregg |
2004 |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
Download Report |
Minnesota Nonpoint Sources Management Program Plan 2008 |
Birr, Adam |
2004 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
mrbtr |
Application of a bioenergetics model for brown trout to evaluate growth in southeast Minnesota streams |
Dieterman, Douglas J |
2004 |
Brown Trout, Southeast Minnesota Streams, Bioenergies |
Cloudy-Sky Waters: An Annotated Bibliography of the Minnesota River |
Cafaro, Kris Bronars |
2004 |
Center for Rural Regional Studies |
310 Second Street
Southwest Minnesota State University
, MN
South Branch Yellow Medicine Fecal Coliform TMDL Project |
2004 |
Fecal Coliform, TMDL, South Branch Yellow Medicine River |
Executive summary: the Rapidan Dam research project: environmental impacts of converting a run-of-the-river low head hydroelectric dam to a peaking operation: context, findings, and needs |
Quade, Henry W |
2004 |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
Download Report |
South Branch Yellow Medicine River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Report |
Shuler, David J |
2004 |
Fecal Coliform, TMDL, South Branch Yellow Medicine River |
A Study of Seven Minnesota River Basin Lakes Le Sueur County, Rice County |
Bennett, Elizabeth |
2004 |
http://www.people.carleton.edu/~bhaileab/environmentalgeology/NEARLAKES.pdf |
Detailed assessment of the phosphorus sources to Minnesota Watersheds |
Barr Engineering Company |
2004 |
mrbtr |
Devolpment of a Prototype Video-Based Fisheries Assesment Unit |
Isermann, Daniel A |
2005 |
Video-Based Fisheries, Field Performance, Waterproof Camera |
Clean up the River Environment (CURE) Uses Economic Development as the Basis for River Protection |
Moore , Patrick |
2005 |
Minnesota Waters |
mrbtr |
Woody Debris and Steelhead |
Close, Tracy L |
2005 |
Woody Debris, Steelhead, Lake Superior |
Minnnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |
Glacial Sediment Causing Regional-Scale Elevated Arsenic in Drinking Water |
Erickson, Melinda |
2005 |
Ground Water |
mrbtr |
Minnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistic Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |