
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort ascending Location Keywords Source
Statistical methods for environmental pollution monitoring Gilbert, R.O. 1987 Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
New York , NY ,
Water quality in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Iowa, and North Dakota, 1995-98 Stark , James R 2000 USGS, Water Resources Division
Reston , VA ,
Water resources of the Redwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota 1970 USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas
Water resources of the Minnesota River-Hawk Creek River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota VanVoast, W.A. 1972 USGS, Hydrological Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed Anderson, H.W. Jr. 1994 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Yellow Medicine River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota Novitzkl, R.P. 1969 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Cottonwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota Broussard, W.L 1973 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Big Stone Lake Watershed, West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Chippewa River Watershed, West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Lac Qui Parle Watershed West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Hydrologic Unit Maps Seaber, P.R. 1994 USGS Water-Supply Paper
Effects of historical land-cover changes on flooding and sedimentation, North Fish Creek, Wisconsin Fitzpatrick, F.A. 1999 USGS Water
Madison , WI ,
Water Resources Data For Minnesota 1966-1995 USGS
Effects of Agricultural Land Retirement of the Minnesota River Basin Christensen, Victoria USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Agricultural Land, Nutrients, Land Use
Selected Basin Characteristics and Water Quality Data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein , T.A 1993 USGS
Selected Data for Stream Subbasins in the Le Sueur River Basin, South-Central Minnesota Lorenz, D.L. 1991 USGS
Sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen demanding substances in the Minnesota River Basin, 1989-92 Payne, G.A 1994 USGS
Washington , DC ,
Selected Data for Stream Subbasins in the Watonwan River Basin, South-Central Minnesota Lorenz, D.L. 1991 USGS
A study of trends in total phosphorus measurements at stations NASQAN network Smith , R.A. 1982 USGS
Reston , VA ,
Selected Data for Stream Subbasins in the Blue Earth River Basin, South-Central Minnesota Lorenz, D.L. 1991 USGS
