
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Influence of Walleye Fingerling Production on Wetland Communitites Reed , Jeffrey R 1999 MDNR
Walleye, Wetland, Macroinvertebrates
Contribution of Fry Stocking to the Recovery of the Walleye Population in the Red Lakes Logsdon, Dale E. 2006 MDNR
Fry Stocking, Walleye, Red Lakes
Under-ice Distribution of Rotenone with Lake Aeration Equiptment Bandow, Farrell 1989 MDNR
Rotenone, Lake Aeration, Ice Cover
Weight-Length Relationships, Prozimate Body Composition, and Winter Survival of Stocked Walleye Fingerlings Bandow, Farrell 1993 MDNR
Walleye, Winter Survival, Body Components
Attitudes of Minnesota Residents about Fishing Issues Jacobson, Peter C 1999 MDNR
Fisheries Issues, Minnesota Residents, Minnesota DNR
Relationship Between Aquatic Plant Cover and Fish Populations Based on Minnesota Lake Survey Data Cross, Timothy 2006 MDNR
Plant Cover, Fish Populations, Minnesota Lake Survey
Long Term Retention of Fluorescent Pigment Marking of Chinook Salmon Negus, Mary T 1990 MDNR
Fluorescent Pigment Markingmark Retention, Chinook Salmon
Population Dynamics and Harvest of Maintained Walleye Populations in Two Lakes of the Southern Minnesota Agricultural Region Bandow, Farrell 1993 MDNR
Walleye, Population, Minnesota Agricultural Region
Methods to Reduce Stress and Improve Over-winter Survivial of Stocked Walleye Fingerlings Parsons, Bradford G 2001 MDNR
Walleye, Winter Survival, Fish Stress
The Relationship of Bluegill Population Dynamics and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Minnesota Lakes Tomcko, Cynthia M 2006 MDNR
Bluegill, Aquatic Vegetation, Shoreland Development
The Distribution of Crayfishes in Minnesota Helgen, Judith C 1990 MDNR
Crayfish, Distribution, Identification
A Comparison of Summer Gill Netting and Trap Netting to Fall Trap Netting for Sampling Crappie Populations in Minnesota Lakes McInerny, Michael 1993 MDNR
Gill Nets, Trap Net, Crappie
A Recalculation of the Annual Statewide Recreational Fishing Effort and Harvest in Minnesota Lakes Cook, Mark F 2001 MDNR
Fishing Effort, Fishing Harvest, Recreational Fishing
Induced Winterkill as a Management Tool for Reclaiming Minnesota Walleye Rearing Ponds Shroyer, Steven M 2007 MDNR
Walleye, Rearing Ponds, Induced Winterkill
Fish Community Responses to Manipulation of Yellow Perch and Walleye Abundance Goeman, Timothy J 1990 MDNR
Yellow Perch, Walleye, Fish Community
The Relation of Male Bluegill Reproductive Strategies to Exploitation and Population Size Structure in Twelve Minnesota Lakes Tomcko, Cynthia M 1994 MDNR
Bluegill, Reproductive Strategies, Bluegill Exploitation
Spatial Habitat Influences of Inshore Fihs Communitites in a Selected Minnesota Ecological Lake Class Cross, Timothy K 2001 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPE
Effects of Winterkill and Chemical Eradication of Fish on a Lake Ecosystem Bandow, Farrell 1980 MDNR
Chemical Eradication, Lake Ecosystem, Bullhead
Light Trap Sampling of Juvenile Northern Pike in Wetlands Affected by Water Level Regulation Pierce, Rodney B 2007 MDNR
Northern Pike, Wetlands, Light Trap Sampling
Length at age estimates of black crappie and white crappie among lake classes, reservoirs, impoundments, and rivers in Minnesota McInerny, Micahel C 2008 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
