Hydroacoustic Methods to Estimate Stream Trout Abundance in Minnesota Lakes |
Close, Tracy L |
2006 |
Stream Trout, Hydroacoustic Methods, Pine Mountain Lake |
Changing Landscapes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area |
Manson, Steven |
2006 |
CURA Reporter |
mrbtr |
Assessing River Water Quality Trends in the Minnesota River Basin |
Offerman, Heather O |
2006 |
Univeristy of Minnesota Masters Thesis |
mrbtr |
Minnesota River phosphorus cleanup |
Minnesota Public Radio |
2006 |
mrbtr |
Native plants and 3rd crops for water quality BERBI 3rd crop producers, 3rd crop demonstration sites |
MN Legislature |
2006 |
Blue Earth River Basin Inititative |
mnpals |
A Brief Agrarian History of the Cottonwood River Watershed in Southwestern Minnesota |
Petrolia, Daniel R |
2006 |
University of Minnesota |
http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/14089/1/p06-01.pdf |
Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: An Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife, Comprehensive Wildlife conservation Strategy |
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
2006 |
Division of Ecological Services, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Minnesota River Prairie, Habitat, Species |
mrbtr |
Minnnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |
The value of hydrologic data and interagency coordination in protecting drinking-water supplies in Minnesota Rivers |
Stark , James R |
2005 |
mnpals |
Minnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistic Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |
Glacial Sediment Causing Regional-Scale Elevated Arsenic in Drinking Water |
Erickson, Melinda |
2005 |
Ground Water |
mrbtr |
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2005 |
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat |
Airborne laser scanning for riverbank erosion assessment |
Thoma , D.P |
2005 |
Remote Sensing Eviron |
GSA Bulletin |
Whiting , PJ |
2005 |
A Look at Minnesota Corn Yields over Time |
Hicks, Dale R |
2005 |
University of Minnesota |
mrbtr |
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota 1970-2001 |
Vecchia, A.V. |
2005 |
Accuracy and Precision of Hydroacoustic Esitmates of Aquatic Vegetation and the Repeatability of Whole-Lake Surveys: Field Tests with a Commercial Echosounder |
Valley, Ray D |
2005 |
Vegetation, Whole-Lake Surveys, Commercial Echosounder |
Bonferroni Correction |
Weisstein, E.W |
2005 |
MathWorld |
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BonferroniCorrection.html |
Minnesota River Ten Years of Cleaning up |
Steil, Mark |
2005 |
Minnesota Public Radio |
mrbtr |
Minnesota Canoe and Kayak Study |
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
2005 |
Office of Management and Budget Services and www.dnr.state.mn.us |
mrbtr |