
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Hawk Creek, Beaver Creek Bacteria and Turbidity TMDL Project Overview MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Bacteria, Turbidity, TMDL
1998 TMDL List of Impaired Waters Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2009
History of mercury inputs to Minnesota lakes; Influences of watershed disturbance and localized atmospheric deposition Engstrom, D.R. 2009 Limnology and Oceanography
Climate Change Minnesota Climatology Working Group 2009
Malformed Frogs in Minnesota U.S. Geological Survey website 2009
Lac qui Parle, Lincoln and Yellow Medicine population numbers from 1990 to 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 2009
Studies offer new insights into causes of deformed frogs Souder , William 2009 MinnPost
Northern Leopard Frog Website Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Natural Resources Conservation Service 2009
Minnesota River Basin- Envrionment and Water Quality Acheivement MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Plan, Environment, Water Quality
Flandrau State Park Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program- A Look Back BWSR 2009
Graduate students help DNR keep track of frogs by Cross, John 2009 Mankato Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Swine Production and Technology website University of Minnesota Extenstion 2009
Gneiss Outcrops Scientific and Natural Area Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Applied Weed Science Research website Univeristy of Minnesota 2009
State of the Minnesota River: Water Quality Summary 2000-2008 Minnesota State University, Mankato, Water Resouces Center & Minnesota Pollution Control Agency & Partners 2009 Minnesota State University, Mankato, Water Resources Center
Ground Water in Minnesota website MPCA 2009
Too often, a losing battle: Geological forces are stacked against the Red River Valley Dawson, Jim 2009 MinnPost
Geological Forces, Red River Valley, Sandbags
Modeling of ravine sediment loading and budget in the lower Le Sueur River, Minnesota River Basin Azmera, L.A. 2009 American Geophysical Union
