
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Middle Des Moines Watershed CWP Project MPCA 1991 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Selected Data for Stream Subbasins in the Blue Earth River Basin, South-Central Minnesota Lorenz, D.L. 1991 USGS
St. Paul's past river, railroads and Rondo Henehan, Brendan 1991 Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul , MN ,
Faribault County geologic atlas Quade, Henry W 1991 Water Resources Center, Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Blue Earth County geologic atlas Quade, Henry W 1991 Water Resources Center, Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
MRAP- Toxicology LCMR 1991 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Statistical methods in water resources. Techniques of Water-Resources investigations of the United State Geological Survey Helsel, D.R 1991 Hydrologic Analysis and Interpretation Department of Interior
Jackson Coutny geologic atlas Quade, Henry W 1991 Water Resources Center, Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Sibley County geologic atlas Quade, Henry W 1991 Water Resources Center, Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Wetland Functions and Values BWSR 205j3 1991-1992 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Production of Lactic Acid and Poly from Potato Waste Starch AURI 1991-1993 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
High Density Riain Guage Monitoring BWSR 1991-1997 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Aerial Photography Methodology MRAP Level IV-Land Use Berg, D 1992
Comparison of Wetland Valuation Matrices MSU 1992 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
IBM University Partners Program (UPP) IBM Corporation 1992 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Macrophyte Removal to Enhance Bluegill, Largemouth, and Northern Pike Populations Cross , Timothy K 1992 MDNR
Macrophyte Removal, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike
Underground Injection Control Study EPA Chicago 1992 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Information Exchange
Changes in Water Quality and Sediment Chemitry in Mills Lake Before and After the Fish Community is Changed from Rough Fish to Recreational Fish MSU Academic Affairs Research Program 1992 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
An Ecological Classification of Minnesota Lakes with Associated Fish Communiteis Schupp, Dennis H 1992 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPUE
Interim Strategy to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution to the Minnesota River Frost, Jack 1992 Metropolitan Council
St. Paul , MN ,
Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Board of Soil and Water Resources, Urban Development
