The nature and effects of county drainage ditches in South Central Minnesota |
Quade, Henry W |
1980 |
University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center |
mnpals |
River management policy document |
1980 |
River Mangement, Legislation |
mnpals |
A Guide to buying and selling property along wild and scenic rivers the Cannon River: Faribault to the Mississippi River |
Harper, Jane |
1980 |
MDNR Rivers Section |
mnpals |
Ground Water Hydrology of Swift County, Minnesota |
Fax, J.G. |
1980 |
Comparison of Marks on Scales and Dorsal Spine Sections as Indicators of Walleye Age |
Olson, Donald E. |
1980 |
Walleye, Lake Winnibigoshish, Walleye Age |
Southeast Minnesota Tributaries basin report |
US Soil Conservation Service |
1980 |
The Department |
mnpals |
Effects of Winterkill and Chemical Eradication of Fish on a Lake Ecosystem |
Bandow, Farrell |
1980 |
Chemical Eradication, Lake Ecosystem, Bullhead |
Minnesota Live Bait Industry Assessment Report |
Peterson, Dirk L |
1980 |
Live Bait, Bait-Fish, Minnow |
A Comparative Water Quality Study of man-made drainage ditches and natural streams in south central Minnesota |
Boyum, Kent W |
1980 |
Mankato State University |
A Quantitative geomorphological study of public drainage ditches in south central Minnesota |
Silis, Ainars |
1979 |
Mankato State University |
Public drainage atlas, Brown County, Minnesota |
Dunsmore, Laverne |
1979 |
MNSU Department of Biology |
mnpals |
The origin of Populus deltoides and Salix interior zones on Point Bars along the Minnesota River |
Noble, M. G. |
1979 |
American Midland Naturalist |
Public drainage atlas, Le Sueur County, Minnesota |
Dunsmore, Laverne |
1979 |
MNSU Department of Biology |
mnpals |
The Minnesota rural real estate market in 1978 including special studies of the Red River Valley, Southwestern Minnesota, deflated farmland prices and long-term market trends |
Christianson, Rodney |
1979 |
Dept of Agricultual and Applied Economics, Institue of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economices, University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Relationships of lake morphometry and sediment nutrient chemistry by short cores in south central Minnesota |
Ayers, Michael B |
1979 |
Mankato State University |
Limnological investigation of the Cannon River- County ditch 59 watershed of Lake Tetonka |
MNSU Department of Biology |
1979 |
MNSU Department of Biology |
mnpals |
Public drainage atlas, Blue Earth County, Minnesota |
Dunsmore, Laverne |
1979 |
MNSU Department of Biology |
mnpals |
Minnesota River Resources Analysis |
1979 |
MNDNR, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program |
Climate of Minnesota Part XII- The hydologic cycle and soil water |
Baker, D.G |
1979 |
University of Minnesota |
The Red River Trails: Oxcart Routes Between St. Paul and the Selkirk Settlement, 1820-1870 |
Gilman , Rhonda R |
1979 |
Minnesota Historical Society |
Oxcart Trade Routes, Minnesota Valley Trail, Selkirk Settlement |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |