
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Swine Production and Technology website University of Minnesota Extenstion 2009
The Glacial Lake Agassiz Upham, W 1895 U.S. Geological Survey
Report of exploration of the glacial Lake Agassiz in Manitoba Upham, W 1890 Geological Survey of Canada
The Minnesota Valley in the Ice Age Upham, Warren 1984 American Journal of Science
Geological and Natural History, Geological Origins, Ice Age
Minnesota Geographic Names: Their Origin and Historic Significance Upham, Warren 1969 Minnesota Historical Soceity
St. Paul , MN ,
Naming of Minnesota River, River Warren, Glacial River
Minnesota River Basin Reconnaissance Study US Army Corps of Engineers St Paul District December 2004 US Corps of Engineers
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin
The Upper Mississippi, a wild and scenic river study: report of study progress US Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1975 Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Ann Arbor , MI ,
The Upper Mississippi: a wild and scenic river study: final report and environmental impact statement US Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1977 Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Lake Central Region
Population Change by County between Censuses US Census Bureau 2000
Agricultural Census US Census of Agriculture 2007
Release of water from the Mississippi River headwater lakes in Minnesota hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, US Congress House 1989 US GPO
Washington , DC ,
Minnesota River Flood Risk management Project US Corps of Engineers 2009
Granite Falls , MN ,
Minnesota Agricultural Statistics US Department of Agriculture-National Agricultural Statistics Service 2009
Environmental assessment: United State trunk Highway 169, state project 0716-21 and 5212-15, Minnesota project BHF005-1 (67), bridge no. 9098 (North Star Bridge) in Mankato and North Mankato over the Minnesota River, Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties, Minn US Federal Highway Administration 1989 MN Dept of Transportation
Mankato , MN ,
Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR Website US Fish and Wildlife Service 2009
Draft general management plan, environmental assessment: Upper St. Croix and Namekagon rivers: St. Croix National Scenic Riverway US National Park Service 1997 US National Park Service
Denver , CO ,
Upper Minnesota River subbasins study (Public Law 87-639) interim feasibility report: Yellow Banka dn Lac Qui Parle subbasins US Soil Conservation Service 1985 US Dept of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and Dept of Army
St. Paul , MN ,
Southeast Minnesota Tributaries basin report US Soil Conservation Service 1980 The Department
Washington , DC ,
Pembina settlement: letter from the secretary of war, transmitting report of Major Wood, relative to his expedition to Pembina settlement, and the condition of affairs on the north-western frontier of the territory of Minnesota US War Dept 1850 US War Dept.
Washington , DC ,
Rapid Watershed Assessment Resource Profile, Pomme de Terre USDA USDA
