Changing Landscapes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area |
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CURA Reporter |
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Voices on the river |
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River Warren, the southern outlet of Lake Agassiz, in Teller |
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Glacial Lake Agassiz: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 26 |
Quaternary Geology of Southwestern Minnesota |
Matsch, CL |
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Geology of Minnesota: A Centennial Vol |
Fecal Coliform TMDL Assessment for High Island Creek and Rush River |
Matteson, Scott |
October 2008 |
Water Resources Center at MN State University Mankato |
High Island Creek Rush River Fecal Coliform TMDL |
Volume loss and mass balance for selected physicochemical constituents in lake Pepin, upper Mississippi River, USA |
Maurer, W.R. |
1995 |
Regulated Rivers: Resources Management |
Rates of recent sedimentation to the Mississippi River upstream of Lake Pepin |
McHenry, J.R. |
1980 |
Water Resources Bulletin |
Genetic Description of Walleye Stocks in Minnesota |
McInerny, Micahel |
1991 |
Walleye, Genetic Description of Walleye, Walleye Stocks |
Length at age estimates of black crappie and white crappie among lake classes, reservoirs, impoundments, and rivers in Minnesota |
McInerny, Micahel C |
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mnpals |
Seasonal and Diel Variation in Elctrofishing Size-selectivity and Catch-per-hour of Largemouth Bass in Minnesota Lakes |
McInerny, Michael |
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Electrofishing, Largemouth Bass, Sesonal and Diel Difference |
A Comparison of Summer Gill Netting and Trap Netting to Fall Trap Netting for Sampling Crappie Populations in Minnesota Lakes |
McInerny, Michael |
1993 |
Gill Nets, Trap Net, Crappie |
Length at Age Estimates of Black Crappie and White Crappie Among Lake Classes, Reservoirs, Impoundments, and Rivers in Minnesota |
McInerny, Michael C |
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Black Crappie, White Crappie, Lake Classes |
Selected Physical and chemical factors in a limestone strip-mine pond |
McMichael, Dale E. |
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Mankato State University |
Turbidity and suspended solids |
McNally, Shaun |
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