
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Report: Identifying Sediment Sources in the Minnesota River Basin MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Sediment Sources, Erosion
1984 Mississippi River bacteria study Fandrei, Gary L. 1985 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
Long Lake TMDL Project- Nutrients MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
TMDL, Long Lake, Impairment
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Volume IV, Land Use Assessment 1994 MPCA
Bacteria in the Minnesota River MPCA 1998 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Hawk Creek, Beaver Creek Bacteria and Turbidity TMDL Project Overview MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Bacteria, Turbidity, TMDL
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) of the Upper Mississippi river (1975-1982) MPCA 1985 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River MPCA 1998 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Acid Rain: intensive study lakes program: status Report for the study lakes (1981-1984) Heiskary, Steven A 1985 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
South Branch Yellow Medicine River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Report Shuler, David J 2004 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Fecal Coliform, TMDL, South Branch Yellow Medicine River
Detailed assessment of the phosphorus sources to Minnesota Watersheds Barr Engineering Company 2004 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Senjem, Norman 1997 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Guidance manual for assessing the quality of Minnesota surface waters for the determination of impairment 305(b) report and 303(d) list MPCA 2005 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Citizens' Advisory Committee Progress Report MPCA 1994 MPCA
MN ,
Permitting Strategy for Addressing Mercury in Municipal and Inustrial Wastewater Permits MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Mercury, TMDL, MPCA
Statewide endocrine disrupting compound monitoring study, 2007-2008 Ferrey, Mark 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Vitellogenin
Citizen Lake-Monitoring Program: 1996 Report on the Transparency of Minnesota Lakes 1997 MPCA
Minnesota River Basin: Watonwan, Blue Earth, and Le Sueur River Watersheds MPCA MPCA
Blue Earth Watershed, Watonwan Watershed, Le Sueur Watershed
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Volume I, Workplan and Project Summary 1994 MPCA
The effecs of altered nutrient loads on the Upper Mississippi River chain of lakes in the vicinity of Bemidiji, Minnesota Trihey , Patrick T 1982 MPCA
Roseville , MN ,
