
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Little Minnesota River Watershed/Big Stone Lake Restoration/Continuation Project Jensen, Mike 2007 Roberts Conservation District
SD ,
Census of Agriculture: Minnesota state and county data National Agricultural Statistics Service 2007
Rivers of Doubt- Minute quantities of everyday contaminants in our drinking supply could add up to big trouble Underwood , Anne 2007 Newsweek
Minnesota's Ground Water Condition: A Statewide View MPCA 2007
Light Trap Sampling of Juvenile Northern Pike in Wetlands Affected by Water Level Regulation Pierce, Rodney B 2007 MDNR
Northern Pike, Wetlands, Light Trap Sampling
Global Climate Change and its Impact on Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2007
Native Plant Communities and Rare Species of the Minnesota River Valley Counties Minnesota County Biological Survey 2007 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Assessing river water quality trends in the Minnesota River Basin Johnson, H.J.O 2006 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Effects of Landscape-Scale Factors on Wetland Biomanipulations Reed , Jeffrey R 2006 MDNR
Wetland, Wetland Biomanipulation, Lanscape-Scale Factors
Straight Pipe Septic Monitoring Project Kuehner , Kevin 2006
Impacts of land-use changes on the hydrologic regime in the Minnesota River Basin Ennaanay, D 2006 Univerysity of Minnesota-Twin Cities
St. Paul , MN ,
Sources of sediment in Lake Pepin on the Upper Mississippi River in response to Holocene climatic changes Kelley, DW 2006 Journal of Paleolimnology
The Omnivore's Dilemna: A Natural History of Four Meals Pollan , Michael 2006 Penguin Press
New York , NY ,
Lower Minnesota River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Implementation Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2006 Regional Division, MPCA
Changing Landscapes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Manson, Steven 2006 CURA Reporter
Assessing River Water Quality Trends in the Minnesota River Basin Offerman, Heather O 2006 Univeristy of Minnesota Masters Thesis
Contribution of Fry Stocking to the Recovery of the Walleye Population in the Red Lakes Logsdon, Dale E. 2006 MDNR
Fry Stocking, Walleye, Red Lakes
Minnesota River phosphorus cleanup Minnesota Public Radio 2006
A Brief Agrarian History of the Cottonwood River Watershed in Southwestern Minnesota Petrolia, Daniel R 2006 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: An Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife, Comprehensive Wildlife conservation Strategy Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2006 Division of Ecological Services, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Minnesota River Prairie, Habitat, Species
