
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Bonferroni Correction Weisstein, E.W 2005 MathWorld
Minnesota River Assessment Project report MPCA 1994 MCPA
MN ,
Evaluation of an ELISA Method for Acetochlor Analysis in the Le Sueur River Watershed VanRyswyk, Bill 2009 MDA
St. Paul , MN ,
ELISA Method, Le Sueur River Watershed, Acetochlor Analysis
2005 Pesticide Usage on Four major Crops in Minnesota Minnesota Department of Agriculture 2007 MDA and USDA, NASS Minnesota Field Office
Influences of Watershed Parameters on Fish Populations in Selected Minnesota Lakes of the Central Hardwood Forest Ecoregion Cross, Timothy K 1995 MDNR
Watershed Parameters, Fish Populations, Central Hardwood Forest Ecoregion
Evaluation of walleye spawning habitat improvement projects in streams Dustin, Donna L 2003 MDNR
Walleye, Spawning, Habitat Improvement
Minnesota State and federal wild and scenic rivers program "ordinance adoption status report" MDNR 1983 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Comparison of Marks on Scales and Dorsal Spine Sections as Indicators of Walleye Age Olson, Donald E. 1980 MDNR
Walleye, Lake Winnibigoshish, Walleye Age
Length at Age Estimates of Black Crappie and White Crappie Among Lake Classes, Reservoirs, Impoundments, and Rivers in Minnesota McInerny, Michael C 2008 MDNR
Black Crappie, White Crappie, Lake Classes
Seasonal habitat use and movements of muskellunge in the Mississippi River Younk, Jerry A 1996 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Use of Channel Catfish to Create an Urban Fishery in Lions' Lake, Mankato, Minnesota Cross , Timothy K 1991 MDNR
Channel Catfish, Lion's Lake, Urban Fishing
The Effects of Chemical Control of Submerged Vegetation on the Fish Community of a Small Minnesota Centrachid Lake Radomski, Paul J 1995 MDNR
Chemical Control, Submerged Vegetation, Fish Community
Effects of prohibiting harvest of largemouth bass on the largemouth bass and bluegill fisheries in two Minnesota lakes Shroyer, Steven M 2003 MDNR
Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Harvest Prohibiting
Experimental Incubation of Fish Eggs in a Moist-Air Envrionment Olson, Donald E. 1981 MDNR
Fish Egg Incubation, Walleye, White Sucker
Can minimum Length Improve Size Structure in Minnesota Black Crappie Populations? Isermann, Daniel A 2009 MDNR
Black Crappie, Trap Nets, Size
Fisheries management planning guide for streams and rivers MDNR, Section of Fisheries 1993 MDNR
MN ,
Fluorescent Chemical Marking of Walleye Larva with a Selected Literature Review of Similar Investigations Younk, Jerry A 1991 MDNR
Fluorescent Chemical Marking, Walleye, Walleye Larvae
Seasonal habitat use and movements of muskellunge in the Mississippi River Younk, Jerry A 1996 MDNR
Muskellunge, Mississippi River, Radio Telemetry
Application of a bioenergetics model for brown trout to evaluate growth in southeast Minnesota streams Dieterman, Douglas J 2004 MDNR
Brown Trout, Southeast Minnesota Streams, Bioenergies
Management of Ponds for Bait-Leeches in Minnesota Peterson, Dirk L 1982 MDNR
Bait-Leech, Pond, Otter Tail County
