
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Devolpment of a Prototype Video-Based Fisheries Assesment Unit Isermann, Daniel A 2005 MDNR
Video-Based Fisheries, Field Performance, Waterproof Camera
Woody Debris and Steelhead Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Woody Debris, Steelhead, Lake Superior
Clean up the River Environment (CURE) Uses Economic Development as the Basis for River Protection Moore , Patrick 2005 Minnesota Waters
Minnnesota Statistics National Agricultural Statistics Service 2005
Minnesota Statistics National Agricultural Statistic Service 2005
The value of hydrologic data and interagency coordination in protecting drinking-water supplies in Minnesota Rivers Stark , James R 2005 USGS
Reston , VA ,
2004 Stream Monitoring and assessment Report Metropolitan Council 2005
St. Paul , MN ,
GSA Bulletin Whiting , PJ 2005
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat Pierce, Rodney B 2005 MDNR
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat
A Look at Minnesota Corn Yields over Time Hicks, Dale R 2005 University of Minnesota
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota 1970-2001 Vecchia, A.V. 2005 USFS
Washington , DC ,
Glacial Sediment Causing Regional-Scale Elevated Arsenic in Drinking Water Erickson, Melinda 2005 Ground Water
Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook MNDOT 2005 Minnesota Department of Transportation, Office of Environmental Services
St. Paul , MN ,
Rivers of North America Sonnack, Kelly 2005 Elsvier Academic Press
San Diego , CA ,
Airborne laser scanning for riverbank erosion assessment Thoma , D.P 2005 Remote Sensing Eviron
Minnesota Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2005
Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area Phosphorus Index Prototype Calculator Sample Problems Oliver, Kelly 2005 Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area
Redwood Falls , MN ,
Minnesota River Ten Years of Cleaning up Steil, Mark 2005 Minnesota Public Radio
Accuracy and Precision of Hydroacoustic Esitmates of Aquatic Vegetation and the Repeatability of Whole-Lake Surveys: Field Tests with a Commercial Echosounder Valley, Ray D 2005 MDNR
Vegetation, Whole-Lake Surveys, Commercial Echosounder
Could BT-Engineered Pest Resistant Trees be Hazardous to Aquatic Invertebrates Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Invertebrates, Pesticide, Toxicity
