A limnological Compilation of water quality of the Minnesota River watershed, in Minnesota |
Feind, T |
1981 |
Water Resources Research Center- University of Minnesota Graduate School |
mnpals |
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge |
Vibrant Films Inc |
1981 |
Vibrant Films, Inc |
mnpals |
Changes in Sediment Storage in the Coon Creek Basin, Driftless Area, Wisconsin, 1853 to 1975 |
Trimble, S |
1981 |
Science 9 |
Experimental Incubation of Fish Eggs in a Moist-Air Envrionment |
Olson, Donald E. |
1981 |
Fish Egg Incubation, Walleye, White Sucker |
Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data |
Hirsch, R.M |
1982 |
Water Resources Ressearch |
Comprehensive Master Plan for the Management of the Upper Mississippi River System |
1982 |
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission |
Final Supplement II-A to the Final envrionmental impact statement (as amended 18 January 1972), Minnesota River, MN, Mankato-North Mankato-Le Hillier flood control- phase I: Proposed plan for the alteration or relocation of state highway 169/60 bridges ov |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
1982 |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
mnpals |
Project River Bend, Six County River Management Plan |
1982 |
Minnesota River Nonpoint Study |
1982 |
MPCA, Division of Water Quality |
Changes in flood response of the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota-Minnesota |
Miller, Jeffrey E |
1982 |
mnpals |
Minnesota River Watershed Water Quality: An Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution |
1982 |
mnpals |
Water quality investigation of the county ditch 59-Cannon River Watershed, Le Sueur County, Minnesota |
Larson, Timothy J |
1982 |
Mankato State University |
The effecs of altered nutrient loads on the Upper Mississippi River chain of lakes in the vicinity of Bemidiji, Minnesota |
Trihey , Patrick T |
1982 |
mnpals |
Minnesota's Geology |
Ojakangas, Richard W |
1982 |
University of Minnesota Press |
Geologic History, Mineral Resources, Regional Geography |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Flood Control Minnesota River, Minnesota, Mankato-North Mankato- Le Hiller: Final supplement II-B to the final environmental impact statement for bridge relocations: Main Street Trunk Highway 60 bridge over the Minnesota River between mankato and North Ma |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
1982 |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
mnpals |
Management of Ponds for Bait-Leeches in Minnesota |
Peterson, Dirk L |
1982 |
Bait-Leech, Pond, Otter Tail County |
A study of trends in total phosphorus measurements at stations NASQAN network |
Smith , R.A. |
1982 |
Minnesota River Watershed Water Quality: An Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution |
1982 |
mnpals |
Chronology of late-Wisconsinan glaciation in middle North America: Quaternary Science Reviews |
Clayton , L |
1982 |
An assessment of cultural influence of lakes of south central Minnesota by short core sediment analysis |
Olson, John S |
1982 |
Mankato State University |