
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Minnesota Drinking Water- EPA
Minnesota Agricultural Statistics US Department of Agriculture-National Agricultural Statistics Service 2009
Ground water pore-pressure influences on stream restoration Magner, J.A.
Minnesota River Timeline Water Resources Center, Minnesota State University Mankato 2003
Minnesota river Assessment Project Report Volume 1, Workplan and Prject Summary Minnesota Pollution control Agency 1994
Secchi Transparency Trends website MPCA 2008
Minnesota's Ground Water Condition: A Statewide View MPCA 2007
Implications of rural Minnesota's changes demographics Minnesota Planning 2000
Northern Leopard Frog Website Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
National Tapwater Database
Agricultural Census US Census of Agriculture 2007
Crop Residue Management Natural Resources Conservation Service 2009
Mankato flood, 1951 1951
Diatom Assemblage Structure as an Indicator of Stream habitat Condition in the Minnesota River Watershed A Richards, C 1994
State of Lakes: Minnesota is known as the State of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky-Blue Waters. But who's looking after our trademark waters? MDNR 2003
Report of exploration of the glacial Lake Agassiz in Manitoba Upham, W 1890 Geological Survey of Canada
The Mississippi, river of song the grassroots of American music DiFranco, Ani 1999 AcronMedia
Bethesda , MD ,
Mississippi River, Music, Songs
The Last Great Flood: Minnesota River Valley 1965 1965 Advertising Unlimited, Inc. and Mankato Graphic Arts
MN ,
Photographs, Flooding, Minnesota River Valley 1965
MPCA has come a long way since 1967 beginnings White, John G 2011 Advocate Tribune
MPCA, Pollution, Cleanup
