
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing Yuan, Fei 2005 Remote Sensing of the Environment
2004 Outdoor Recreation Facility Survey of Minnesota Cities, Counties and School Districts Sushak, Ron 2005 Office of Management and Budget Services
Reinvest in Minnesota Fact Sheet Board of Water and Soil Resources 2005 Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Temporal analysis of the frequency and duration of low and high stream flow: Years of record needed to characterize stream flow variability Huh, S 2005 J. Hydrol
Through these eyes: The First 70 Years of Soil and Water Conservation in Minnesota Ruhland, Vic 2005 Minnesota Office, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Draining Swan Lake for the ducks Stachura, Sea 2005 Minnesota Public Radio
Nutrient Management Assessment of Producers South Branch of the Root River, 2003 MN Department of Agriuculture 2005 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Produces, Management Assessment
Clean up the River Environment (CURE) Uses Economic Development as the Basis for River Protection Moore , Patrick 2005 Minnesota Waters
Tracing suspended sediment sources in catchments and river systems Walling , DE 2005 Science of the Total Environment
Minnnesota Statistics National Agricultural Statistics Service 2005
Devolpment of a Prototype Video-Based Fisheries Assesment Unit Isermann, Daniel A 2005 MDNR
Video-Based Fisheries, Field Performance, Waterproof Camera
Woody Debris and Steelhead Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Woody Debris, Steelhead, Lake Superior
Minnesota Statistics National Agricultural Statistic Service 2005
GSA Bulletin Whiting , PJ 2005
2004 Stream Monitoring and assessment Report Metropolitan Council 2005
St. Paul , MN ,
The value of hydrologic data and interagency coordination in protecting drinking-water supplies in Minnesota Rivers Stark , James R 2005 USGS
Reston , VA ,
A Look at Minnesota Corn Yields over Time Hicks, Dale R 2005 University of Minnesota
Water-quality trend analysis and sampling design for streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota 1970-2001 Vecchia, A.V. 2005 USFS
Washington , DC ,
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat Pierce, Rodney B 2005 MDNR
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat
Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook MNDOT 2005 Minnesota Department of Transportation, Office of Environmental Services
St. Paul , MN ,
