
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
The histroy of the upper Mississippi river in late Wisconsin and postglacial time Cooper, William Skinner 1935 University of Minnesota Press
Minneapolis , MN ,
Water Resources of the Lac Qui Parle Watershed West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Big Stone Lake Watershed, West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Water Resources of the Chippewa River Watershed, West-Central Minnesota Cotter, R.D. 1968 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Cottonwood County Local Water Management Plan 2007-2017 Cottonwood County Environmental Office 2007 Cottonwood County Environmental Office
Windom , MN ,
The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike: To the Headwaters of the Mississippi River, Through Louisiana Territory, and in New Spain, During the Years 1805-6-7 Coues , Elliot 1965 Ross and Haines Inc.
Minneapolis , MN ,
Pike, Fort Snelling, Louisiana Purchase
Water Quality Issues- Browns Valley Flooding Craigmile, David 2007 Minnesota River Watershed Alliance River Talk Newsletter
New Growth for the Big Woods Crosby, Jackie 2002 Minneapolis Star Tribune
Use of Channel Catfish to Create an Urban Fishery in Lions' Lake, Mankato, Minnesota Cross , Timothy K 1991 MDNR
Channel Catfish, Lion's Lake, Urban Fishing
Macrophyte Removal to Enhance Bluegill, Largemouth, and Northern Pike Populations Cross , Timothy K 1992 MDNR
Macrophyte Removal, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike
Graduate students help DNR keep track of frogs by Cross, John 2009 Mankato Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
End of the River Trail Cross, John 2008 Mankato Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Relationship Between Aquatic Plant Cover and Fish Populations Based on Minnesota Lake Survey Data Cross, Timothy 2006 MDNR
Plant Cover, Fish Populations, Minnesota Lake Survey
Spatial Habitat Influences of Inshore Fihs Communitites in a Selected Minnesota Ecological Lake Class Cross, Timothy K 2001 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPE
Influences of Watershed Parameters on Fish Populations in Selected Minnesota Lakes of the Central Hardwood Forest Ecoregion Cross, Timothy K 1995 MDNR
Watershed Parameters, Fish Populations, Central Hardwood Forest Ecoregion
Opinions of Anger Groups and Fisheries Professionals in Minnesota Cunningham, Paul K 1992 MDNR
Opinion, Angler Group, Fisheries Professionals
Final internship report: United States Army Corps of Engineers and City of Mankato, Minnesota Czarzasty, John L 1986
Selected Water Quality and Flow Data From Minor Watersheds in the Blue Earth River Basin D. Johnson, G.D. 1994
Modeling Sediment and Phosphorus Losses in an Agricultural Watershed to meet TMDLs. Dalzell, Brent J. 2004 Journal of American Water Resources Association
Statistics and data analysis in geology Davis, J.S 1973 John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
New York , NY ,
