
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Survey of Farmers within the Middle Fork of the Whtiewater River MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Whitewater River, Farms, Water Quality
Saint Peter Survey of Farmers within the Wellhead Protection Area 1996 MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Farms, Wellhead Protection Area, St. Peter, MN
Pipestone County Holland Wellfield Survey MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Holland Wellfield Survery, Water Quality, Soil and Water Conservation District
Factsheet: Minnesota River Basin Plan MPCA 2002 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Plan, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients
Nutrient Management Assessment of Producers Perham Wellhead Protection Area, 1999 MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Produces, Management Assessment
Minnesota River Clean-Up: Ten Years Later Sigford, Kris 2002 Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Minneapolis , MN ,
Minnesota River, Pollution Sources, River Cleanup
Nutrient Management Assessment of Agricultural Practices in the Dutch creek and South Chain of Lakes Watersheds, Farimont, MN, 1999 MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Agriculture, Fairmont, MN
Collins, A.L. 2002 Journal of Hydrology
Survey of 28 Farms in the Bevens Creek Watershed and Sand Creek Watershed MN Department of Agriuculture 2002 MN Dept of Agriculture
Beven Creek Watershed, Sand Creek Watershed, Watershed Survey
Streambank slumping and its contribution to the phosphorus and suspended sediment loads of the Blue Earth River, Minnesota Sekely, A.C. 2002 J Soil Water Conserv
Minnesota River Study Shows Reductions in Key Pollutants Christopherson, Dave 2002 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Water Quality, Basins
A Plague of Frogs: Unraveling an Environmental Mystery Souder , William 2002 Univeristy of Minnesota Press
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: organchlorine compounds in streambed sediments and fish tissues, 1995-97 McNellis, Ryan P 2001 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Long-term changes in concentrations and flux of nitrogen in the Mississippi River basin, USA Goolsby, D.A 2001 Hydrol Processes
DMandE expansion project comments on Draft EIS Blue Earth County 2001 Blue Earth County
Mankato , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin Plan MPCA 2001 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Algal Blooms, Minnesota River Citizen's Advisory Committee, Minnesota River Agriculture Team
Application of HSPF-AGCHEM Module within the WMS for the Le Sueur Basin Deliman, Patrick N 2001 U.S. Army Engineer Res and Dev Center
An Investigation into the existence of an annual "store/flush" mechanism for sediment transport and phosphorus re-speciation within two agricultural drainage ditches in the Minnesota river basin Kronlokken, J. David 2001
Tillage and nutrient source effects on surface and subsurface water quality at corn planting Zhao, S.L 2001 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Spatial Habitat Influences of Inshore Fihs Communitites in a Selected Minnesota Ecological Lake Class Cross, Timothy K 2001 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPE
