
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort ascending Location Keywords Source
Metropolitan council environmental services 2002 Stream Monitoring Report Metropolitan Council 2002 Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
Stream Monitoring, Storm Water Runoff, Non-Point Source Pollutants
Table 1.LE. Le Sueur River Monitoring Station Information Offerman, Heather Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
Mankato , MN ,
Le Sueur River Monitoring, Water Quality, Monitoring Station Report
Table 1.BU. Blue Earth River Monitoring Station Information Offerman, Heather Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
Mankato , MN ,
Blue Earth River Monitoring, Water Quality, Monitoring Station Report
Proposal to Develop an Advanced Water-Quality Model fo the Minnesota River, Jordan to the mouth, and Counduct River Monitoring and Studies to Support the Model Larson, Catherine E 2004 Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
St. Paul , MN ,
Lower Minnesota River, Water Quality, River Monitoring
Strategies for Documenting Progress in Reaching the Nonpoint Source Reduction Goal for the Minnesota River Hamilton, JD 1992 Metropolitan Council
St. Paul , MN ,
Interim Strategy to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution to the Minnesota River Frost, Jack 1992 Metropolitan Council
St. Paul , MN ,
Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Board of Soil and Water Resources, Urban Development
A Lower Minnesota River Valley Cultural Resource Study and Interpretive Plan for the Minnesota Valley State Park and Trail Roberts, Dr. Norene 1993 MDNR-Parks and Recreation Divistion
St. Paul , MN ,
Historic Sites, Archaeological Sites, Minnesota Valley Trail
Wetland Drainage in the Hawk Creek Pilot Watershed, Minnesota Choate, Jerry S 1971 MDNR-Division of Game and Fish, Technical Service Section
St. Paul , MN ,
Flooding, Hawk Creek Pilot Watershed, Aerial Photographs
Minnesota State and federal wild and scenic rivers program ordinance adoption status report MDNR 1986 MDNR, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program
St. Paul , MN ,
A gathering of waters: a guid to Minnesota's rivers Bereining, Greg 1977 MDNR, Division of Parks and Recreation Rivers Section
St. Paul , MN ,
A Guide to buying and selling property along wild and scenic rivers the Cannon River: Faribault to the Mississippi River Harper, Jane 1980 MDNR Rivers Section
St. Paul , MN ,
Macrophyte Removal to Enhance Bluegill, Largemouth, and Northern Pike Populations Cross , Timothy K 1992 MDNR
Macrophyte Removal, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike
Use of Limnetic Zooplankton Sampling in Assessments of Fish Community Structure in Minnesota Bass-panfish Lakes Westerlund, Julie E 1998 MDNR
Zooplankton, Fish Community, Bass-Panfish Lakes
Accuracy and Precision of Hydroacoustic Esitmates of Aquatic Vegetation and the Repeatability of Whole-Lake Surveys: Field Tests with a Commercial Echosounder Valley, Ray D 2005 MDNR
Vegetation, Whole-Lake Surveys, Commercial Echosounder
Comparisons of Cathces by Standard Lake Survey Nets with Catches by Modified Nets Davis, Robert 1987 MDNR
Lake Survery Nets, Modified Nets, Gill Nets
Opinions of Anger Groups and Fisheries Professionals in Minnesota Cunningham, Paul K 1992 MDNR
Opinion, Angler Group, Fisheries Professionals
Angler Exploitation of Bluegill and Black Crappie in 4 West-central Minnesota Lakes Parsons, Bradford G 1998 MDNR
Bluegill, Black Crappie, Angler Exploitation
Effects of Landscape-Scale Factors on Wetland Biomanipulations Reed , Jeffrey R 2006 MDNR
Wetland, Wetland Biomanipulation, Lanscape-Scale Factors
Fluorescent Pigment Marking of Seven Minnesota Fish Species Bandow, Farrell 1987 MDNR
Fluorescent Pigment Marking, Mark Retention, Juvenile Fish
State Water Access sites MDNR 1979 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
