
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Minnesota River Assessment Project Summary Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Land Use Assessment Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Assessment Project, Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Geographic Information Systems
Minnesota River Assessment Project Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994
Diatom Assemblage Structure as an Indicator of Stream habitat Condition in the Minnesota River Watershed A Richards, C 1994
Minnesota River Assessment Project report MPCA 1994 MPCA
MN ,
Suspended sediment behavior within an urban river watershed in Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota Steuber, Steven L 1994 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Selected Water Quality and Flow Data From Minor Watersheds in the Blue Earth River Basin D. Johnson, G.D. 1994
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Volume I, Workplan and Project Summary 1994 MPCA
Sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen demanding substances in the Minnesota River Basin, 1989-92 Payne, G.A 1994 USGS
Washington , DC ,
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Workplan and Project Summary Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Assessment Project, Minnesota River History, Minnesota River Description
The Relation of Male Bluegill Reproductive Strategies to Exploitation and Population Size Structure in Twelve Minnesota Lakes Tomcko, Cynthia M 1994 MDNR
Bluegill, Reproductive Strategies, Bluegill Exploitation
Crystal-Loon-Mills CWP Project MPCA 1994 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Minnesota River Assessment Project report MPCA 1994 MCPA
MN ,
Sources and transport of sediment, nutrients, and oxygen demanding substances in the Minnesota River Basin, 1989-92 Payne, G.A. 1994 U.S. Department of the Interior- Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
The Minnesota River Basin: Hydrologic Overview and Assessment of Spring Resurges B. Magner, J.A. 1994
Tower and braid a chronicle of Fort Snelling MN Historical Society 1994 MN Historical Society Press
St. Paul , MN ,
Water Resources of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed Anderson, H.W. Jr. 1994 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Minnesota River Assessment Project Summary Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1994
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Volume III, Biological and Toxicologial Assessment 1994 MPCA
Wetland Water Quality Functions: Literature Review and considerations for Wetland Restoration/Creation in the Minnesota River Basin C. Cain, B.J. 1994
