
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Comprehensive Master Plan for the Management of the Upper Mississippi River System 1982 Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River 1998 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/Minnesota River Joint Powers Board
St. Paul , MN ,
Phosphorus, Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Nonpoint Pollution Sources
SCMCCWPP 12 Counties of South Central Minnesota 1998 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Land Use and Resource Management
Administration for Native Americans via Prairie Island Tribal Council SCMCCWPP 13 Counties of South Central Minnesota 1995 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
SCMCCWPP 13 Counties of South Central Minnesota 1999 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Land Use and Resource Management
Diatom Assemblage Structure as an Indicator of Stream habitat Condition in the Minnesota River Watershed A Richards, C 1994
Status of Amphibians in Minnesota: Center for Global Envrionmental Educaiton A Thousand Friends of Frogs 1999 Hamline University
Microhabitat Preferences of Selected Stream Fishes and a Community-Oriented Approach to Instream Flow Assessments Aaland, Luther 1991 MDNR
Stream Fishes, Microhabitat, Instream Flow Assessment
Joseph Renville of Lac Qui Parle Ackerman, Gertrude 1931 Minnesota History
Joseph Renville, Lac qui Parle, Sioux
Southwestern Minnesota Archaeology: 12, 000 Years in the Prairie Lake Region Afinson, Scott F 1997 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Prairie Lake Region, Prairie Environment, Southwestern Minnesota
Building the Railroad of the Minnesota Valley Allen , Gale 1947 Macalester College
St. Paul , MN ,
Railroad, Southern Minnesota Railroad Company, Minnesota Valley Railroad Company
At the Headwaters: The 1993 Flood in Southwestern Minnesota Amato, Joseph 1995 Society for the Study of Local and Regional History
Marshall , MN ,
Flood, Southwestern Minnesota, Flood Recovery Project
America's Most Endangered Rivers- 2008 Edition American Rivers 2008
Floods of April-May 1969 in Upper Midwestern United States Anderson , David B 1970 U.S. Department of the Interior- Geological Survey
St. Paul , MN ,
Hydrology, Flooding, Upper Midwestern U.S.
Mussels- A Bond Between Childhood and Adulthood for Me Anderson , Kari 2009
Minnesota Frog and Toad Calling Survey 1996-2002 Anderson , Yvette C. 2002 Ecological Resources Division, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Future of wildlife might be linked to biofuels Anderson, Dennis 2008 Minneapolis Star Tribune
Water Resources of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed Anderson, H.W. Jr. 1994 USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Ring-necked Pheasant fact sheet Anderson, Mary 1995 South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, Division of Wildlife
