
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Titlesort ascending Author Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare: An Action Plan for Minnesota Wildlife Department of Natural Resources 2006
TMDL Case Study: The Lower Minnesota River Jacobson, Ron 1992 EPA
St. Paul , MN ,
TMDL, Waste Water Treatment Plants, Water Quality
Times Writers Group: Water issues spark questions Miller, Natalie St. Cloud Times
Tillage Best Management Practices for the Minnesota River Basin Based on Soils, Landscape, Climate, Crops, and Economics Evans, Samuel 1997 UMN Extenstion
St. Paul , MN ,
Tillage and nutrient source impacts on water quality and corn grain yield from a flat landscape Thoma , D.P. 2005 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Land Use and Resource Management
Tillage and nutrient source effects on surface and subsurface water quality at corn planting Zhao, S.L 2001 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Through these eyes: The First 70 Years of Soil and Water Conservation in Minnesota Ruhland, Vic 2005 Minnesota Office, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Three Score Years and Ten,' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West Van Cleve, Charlotte Ouisconsin 1895 Harrison and Smith
Minneapolis , MN ,
Fort Snelling, American Indians, Military Installations
Thoreau in Minnesota Flanagan, John T. 1935 Minnesota History
Henry David Thoreau, Lower Sioux Agency, Minnesota River Observations
Thoreau and Mann on the Minnesota River, June 1861 Harding, Walter 1961 Minnesota History
Henry David Thoreau, Horace Mann Jr., Lower Sioux Agency
Thermal Marking of Lake Trout Otoliths, and Evaluation of Mehtods for Stocking Fry Negus , Mary T 1997 MDNR
Thermal Marking, Lake Trout Otoliths, Lake Trout
The Watonwan River Haycraft, Julius E. 1945 Sentinel Publishing Co.
Fairmont , MN ,
Watonwan River, Ferry and Mill Activity, Historical Events
The Warren: A Truly Forgotten River Wilkinson , Drew 1993 River Warren Research Committee
Rockford , MN ,
River Warren Resarch Committee, Minnesota River Assessment Project, Glacial River Warren
The value of hydrologic data and interagency coordination in protecting drinking-water supplies in Minnesota Rivers Stark , James R 2005 USGS
Reston , VA ,
The use of artificial substrates to ascertain the faunal difference between an agricultural drainage ditch and a third order river in south central Minnesota Fylpaa, John W 1983 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
The urban environmnet: Minneapolis-St. Paul indicators Environmental Protection Agency 2003
The Upper Mississippi: a wild and scenic river study: final report and environmental impact statement US Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1977 Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Lake Central Region
The Upper Mississippi, a wild and scenic river study: report of study progress US Bureau of Outdoor Recreation 1975 Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Ann Arbor , MI ,
The triazine herbicides: 50 years revolutionizing agriculture LeBaron, Homer 2008 Elsevier Press
San Diego , CA ,
The timing of regional Late-glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior Brckenridge, A 2004 Quaternary Science Review
