Water Body Survey and Assessment for use Attainability Investigation of the Le Sueur River Near Waseca, Minnesota

A study was conducted on the Le Sueur River to determine if a classification of 2B was appropriate. A survey of the fish species present collected game and fish species in several of the Le Sueur's reaches along with varying numbers and species of rough/forge species. Water quality testing indicated that the Le Sueur River was often out of compliance with parameters set for 2B type systems. These parameters included dissolved oxygen, un-ionized ammonia, copper and fecal coliforms. Habitat evaluation indicated fair habitat quality.

Water Resources Data For Minnesota 1966-1995

This yearly product from the USGS contains surface water and water quality records for the monitoring sites in Minnesota. Flow data is available for 1966-1995. There were 22 sites being monitored in the Minnesota River. A few monitoring site location changes occurred, but most sites remained constant throughout the years.

Selected Basin Characteristics and Water Quality Data for the Minnesota River Basin

Winterstein , T.A
The Minnesota River Assessment Project was designed to assess the potential for nonpoint source pollution and inventory the physical characteristics of the basin. In this report the results of this assessment are given for selected characteristics and water quality data. The characteristics include subbasins in the Minnesota Rive Basin, hydrology, geomorphology, soils, wetlands, precipitation, runoff, land use, population and nonpoint source pollution. The water quality data selected were BOD, nitrate-nitrite nitrogen, total phosphorus and suspended sediment.

Report on the Investigations of the Pollution of the Minnesota River from Above New Ulm to the Junction with the Mississippi River at Mendota

Whittaker, H.A.
This 1934 report tells of the effects of pollution on the Minnesota River for a period prior to the installation of many of the waste water treatment plants. During this period the majority of sewage and industrial wastes were being discharged directly into the river system with no form of treatment. Accurate means of analysis were not available so most of the data provided is in the form of visual observations. It was determined that the section of the Minnesota River tested was unsafe for human or livestock contact.

Water Resources of the Yellow Medicine River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota

Novitzkl, R.P.
The Yellow Medicine River Watershed is located in Southwestern Minnesota and drains approximately 665 square miles. The hydrologic atlas describing the characteristics of the watershed contains three sheets. These sheets describe the water budget, ground water, and surface water of the drainage area.

Project River Bend, Six County River Management Plan

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources proposed a management plan for the Minnesota River. Part of that plan was the designation of the Minnesota River as a Wild and Scenic River. This proposal was unacceptable to the counties involved. The counties feared that a Wild and Scenic designation would remove their decision making power. Instead, the counties proposed Project River Bend.

Creel Survey of the Blue Earth River, 5 May-21 September, 1984

Peterson, D.L.
Rapidan Dam is located on the Blue Earth River. A permit was granted for the redevelopment of this dam for electricity production. the operation of this dam had been observed to have adverse effects on the fish communities of the river. This study was completed prior to the dams renewed operation so that it might be used for comparison with a study after the dam began producing power. The researchers found that the major sport fish harvested in 1984 was channel catfish. Secondary sport fish caught were walleye and northern pike. Fish-kills were observed due to low levels caused by the dam.

Hydrologic Unit Maps

Seaber, P.R.
A set of four-color "Hydrologic Unit Maps" show the approved boundries of, and numerical codes for river-basin units of the United States. These maps, developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, present information on drainage, culture, hydrography, and hydrologic boundaries. Plotted at a scale of 1:500,000 units, the Geological Survey State base-map are a complete list of all the hydrologic units, along with their drainage area names and the States in which they reside.

Minnesota River Basin Report

The Minnesota River Basin Report was created in response to growing problems within the Minnesota River Basin. These problems included erosion, pollution and flooding. It was determined that the study needed to: Identify the present and projected water and related land resources problems and needs. Quantify and qualify the data collected. Identify project opportunities for development based on urgency of need. To address these criteria the Minnesota Basin Report contained the following: Environmental setting and basin resources. Economic development and projections.

Aerial Photography Methodology MRAP Level IV-Land Use

Berg, D
Level IV of the MRAP land use study is the methodology developed to use aerial photographs to determine land use and nonpoint source pollution within minor watersheds. These data were then to be transformed onto GIS maps. The type of photography used was color infrared aerial photography (CIR). The CIR pictures allow more accurate interpretation of land use type through greater definition. Through this process land use types that both contributed to and abated pollution were identified and mapped.


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