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Minnesota River CREP Easement Summary by County |
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High Density Riain Guage Monitoring |
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Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program- A Look Back |
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Commissioners OK Septic system loans |
Busch, Fritz |
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Commissioners Consider Septic System Loans |
Busch, Fritz |
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The Journal |
The Journal |
University of Minnesota- East Bank Campus: Watershed Management Plan |
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Agricultural Drainage in Blue Earth County Minnesota |
Burns, Bert Earl |
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University of Nebraska |
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Agricultural-nitrogen contribution to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico |
Burkart, M.R. |
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J. Envrionmetnal Quality |
Grand Mound |
Budak, Michael K |
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MN Historical Society |
mnpals |
Water Resources of the Cottonwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota |
Broussard, W.L |
1973 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Chapter 11: Restoring Hydrologic Function of Altered Landscapes: An Integrated Watershed Management Approach |
Brooks, Kenneth N |
Univesity of Minnesota |
Hydrology, Watershed Management, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota, St. Paul | |
A Survey of the Mussels of the Minnesota River, 1989 |
Bright, R.C. |
1990 |
University of Minnesota, Bell Museum of Natural History |
Analysis of suspended sediment concentrations and radioisotope levels in the Wild River basin |
Brigham, ME |
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U.S.G.S Water Resources Investigations Report |
Mercury, methylmercury, and other water-quality data from flood-control impoundments and natural waters of the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota 1997-99 |
Brigham, Mark E. |
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Dept of Interior, USGS |
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Historic Waters of the Capitol Region Watershed District: Ramsey County, Minnesota |
Brick, Greg |
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Management of diffuse pollution in agricultural watersheds: Lessons from the Minnesota River Basin |
Brezonik, P.L |
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Wat. Sci. Tech |
A Management Plan for the Minnesota River |
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The timing of regional Late-glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior |
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Quaternary Science Review |
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1976 |
Minnesota Historical Society Press |
Joseph Nicollet, Plains, Prairies |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |