
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Minnesota Land Economics website University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics 2008
Minnesota Ground Water Information Guide website MPCA 2008
Delineating the Erosion-Potential of Agricultural Lands Within the Le Sueur Watershed using Remotely Snesed Data and GIS Maalim, F.K 2008 American Geophysical Union
Length at Age Estimates of Black Crappie and White Crappie Among Lake Classes, Reservoirs, Impoundments, and Rivers in Minnesota McInerny, Michael C 2008 MDNR
Black Crappie, White Crappie, Lake Classes
Remote Sensing of Environment, special issue on Monitoring Freshwater and Estuarine Systmes Olmanson, L.G. 2008 In Press
Citizen Monitoring Program website MPCA 2008
Shapefiles for Frog Calling Survey Route Stops Larson , Krista 2008 Ecological Resources Division, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Dream team' want Le Sueur River to come clean AP 2008 The Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Fertilizer Use and NUE 2007 Montgomery, Bruce 2008 Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Turbidity and suspended solids McNally, Shaun 2008 Morris Sun Tribune
Nutrient and Pesticide Management Assessment of Producers in the Middle Branch and South Branch Watersheds of the Whitewater Rivers, 2005 MN Department of Agriuculture 2008 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Pesticide, Whitewater River
Report: Identifying Sediment Sources in the Minnesota River Basin MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Sediment Sources, Erosion
Geomorphic evolution of the Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA, and implications for current sediment loading Gran, K.B 2009 Geological Soceity of America
Minnesota State Parks Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Groundwater website MDNR 2009
Reinvest in Minnesota Reserve Program (RIM) Board of Water and Soil Resources 2009
Evaluation of an ELISA Method for Acetochlor Analysis in the Le Sueur River Watershed VanRyswyk, Bill 2009 MDA
St. Paul , MN ,
ELISA Method, Le Sueur River Watershed, Acetochlor Analysis
Minnesota Water Trails Program website Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Are Stream's Clarity Getting Better Over Time? A Statistical and Graphical Analysis of Minnesota Streams and Minnesota River Basins Le, Laura 2009 University of Minnesota Thesis
Statewide Evaluation of lenth-based fisihing regulations: introduction and summary of results Carlson, Andrew J 2009 MDNR
Fisheries Regulations, Fisheries, Recreational Fishing
