
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
The quality of surface waters in the United States Part I- Analysis of waters east of the one hundredth meridian Dole, R.B 1909 U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington , DC ,
The quality of surface water in Minnesota Dole, R.B. 1907 U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington , DC ,
Watershed-scale research from many perspectives: the Interdisciplinary Research Initiative at the Shingobee River headwaters area, Minnesota Dosenberry, D.O 1998 Dept of the Interior, USGS
Reston , VA ,
Public drainage atlas, Nicollet County, Minnesota Dunsmore, Laverne 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
Public drainage atlas, Brown County, Minnesota Dunsmore, Laverne 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
Public drainage atlas, Blue Earth County, Minnesota Dunsmore, Laverne 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
Public drainage atlas, Le Sueur County, Minnesota Dunsmore, Laverne 1979 MNSU Department of Biology
Mankato , MN ,
Evaluation of walleye spawning habitat improvement projects in streams Dustin, Donna L 2003 MDNR
Walleye, Spawning, Habitat Improvement
Dahcotah; or Life and Legends of the Sioux Around Fort Snelling Eastman, Mary 1975 Arno Press Inc
New York , NY ,
Sioux Indians, Dahcotah, Fort Snelling
Walleye-Sauger Bibliography Ebbers, Mark 1988 MDNR
Walleye, Sauger, Bibliography
Bridge Location study: cities of Mankato and North Mankato Edwards and Kelcey, Inc 1974 Edwards and Kelcey
Minneapolis , MN ,
Capability of the Lower Minnesota River to Support Additional Commercial Navigation Edwards and Kelcey, Inc 1976 Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
Minneapolis , MN ,
Commercial Navigation, Transportation, Navigation
Sex Ratios of Young-of-the-Year Walleye from Rearing Ponds and Lakes in Minnesota Eiler, Paul 1991 MDNR
Sex Ratio, Walleye, Rearing Ponds
Minnesota River Valley Ravine Stabilization Charrette Emmons and Oliver Resources, Inc. 2011 MN River Board
Historical changes in sediment and phosphorus loading to the upper Mississippi River: mass-balance reconstructions from the sediments of Lake Pepin Engstrom, D.R 2009 Paleolimnology
Atmospheric Mercury Deposition to Lakes and Watershed Engstrom, D.R 1994 Envrionmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs
Washington , DC ,
Historical Changes in sediment and phosphorus loading to the Upper Mississippi River. Engstrom, D.R. 1997 St. Croix Watershed Research Station
Marine on St. Croix , MN ,
History of mercury inputs to Minnesota lakes; Influences of watershed disturbance and localized atmospheric deposition Engstrom, D.R. 2009 Limnology and Oceanography
Historical Changes in Sediment and Phosphorus Loading to the Upper Mississippi River: Mass balance Reconstructions from the Sediments of Lake Pepin Engstrom, Daniel R 2000 Science Museum of Minnesota
Marine on St. Croix , MN ,
Impacts of land-use changes on the hydrologic regime in the Minnesota River Basin Ennaanay, D 2006 Univerysity of Minnesota-Twin Cities
St. Paul , MN ,
