Wetland Water Quality Functions: Literature Review and considerations for Wetland Restoration/Creation in the Minnesota River Basin |
C. Cain, B.J. |
1994 |
Minnesota river Assessment Project Report Volume 1, Workplan and Prject Summary |
Minnesota Pollution control Agency |
1994 |
mrbtr |
Selected Water Quality and Flow Data From Minor Watersheds in the Blue Earth River Basin |
D. Johnson, G.D. |
1994 |
Mankato flood, 1951 |
1951 |
mnpals |
State of Lakes: Minnesota is known as the State of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky-Blue Waters. But who's looking after our trademark waters? |
2003 |
mrbtr |
Climate change and the Minnesota State Climatology Office: Observing the climate |
Zandlo, J |
2008 |
http://climate.umn.edu/climateChange/climateChangeObservedNU.htm |
Minnesota's Ground Water Condition: A Statewide View |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Lac qui Parle, Lincoln and Yellow Medicine population numbers from 1990 to 2000 |
U.S. Census Bureau |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Northern Leopard Frog Website |
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
2009 |
mrbtr |
2004 Stream Monitoring and assessment Report |
Metropolitan Council |
2005 |
Agricultural Census |
US Census of Agriculture |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Crop Residue Management |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Catena |
Collins, A.L |
1997 |
Mankato flood, 1969 |
1969 |
mnpals |
Minnesota Population Projections 2005 to 2035 |
Minnesota State Demographic Center |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota Rural Water Association |
mrbtr |
Rual Atlas Online |
Center for Rual Policy and Development |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force: Success Stories |
2008 |
mrbtr |
Elderly Minnesotans: A 2000 Census Portrait |
Minnesota State Demographic Center |
2004 |
mrbtr |
Shallow Lakes of Southern Minnesota: Status and trend summary for selected lakes |
2003 |
mrbtr |