Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.
Title | Author |
Publication Date![]() |
Publisher | Location | Keywords | Source |
The Minnesota River and Valley | King, Ralph W | 1975 |
, MN
mnpals | ||
Limnology | Wetzel, Robert G | 1975 | W.B. Saunders Co. |
The Development of the Recreational and Environmental Resources of the Upper Minnesota River Valley | Halgren, L.A | 1975 | Southwest Minnesota State College |
Upper portion upper Mississippi river basin: water quality management basin plan | MPCA | 1975 | Department of Administration |
St. Paul
, MN
mnpals | |
Minnesota River Basin: Water Quality Management Basin Plan | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality | 1975 | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
St. Paul
, MN
Point-Source Dischargers, Water Quality Standards, County Sewer and Water Plans | Cloudy-Sky Waters |
A Study of the Invertebrates of the Blue Earth River System | Chelberg, Dale A | 1974 | Museum Observer: Science Museum of Minnesota |
Blue Earth River System, Invertebrates, Mussel | Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Bridge Location study: cities of Mankato and North Mankato | Edwards and Kelcey, Inc | 1974 | Edwards and Kelcey |
, MN
mnpals | |
The Natural Quality of Ground Water in Minnesota | Winter , Thomas C | 1974 | US Geological Survey |
St. Paul
, MN
U.S. Geological Survey | |
Trafton Science Center energy input: heat, architecture, energy expenditure, climate, landscape perception | Quade, Henry W | 1974 | Mankato State College |
, MN
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The Man with the Red Umbrella: Giacomo Constantino Beltrami in America | Miceli, Augusto P | 1974 | Claitor's Publishing Division |
Baton Rouge
, LA
Giacomo Beltrami, Stephen Long, Fort Snelling | Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Minnesotans and their Mississippi River: a citizen's review of Minnesota's Mississippi River envrionments | Replinger, Jean Sanford | 1974 |
mnpals | ||
Indian Creek: an Environmental assessment | Mankato State College, Urban and Regional Studies Institute | 1974 | Urban and Regional Studies Institute |
, MN
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Lake Tetonka limnological assessment | Quade, Henry W | 1974 | Mankato State College Department of Biological Sciences and Environmental Institute |
, MN
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An Economic Analysis of Flood Damage Reduction Alternatives in the Minnesota River Basin | Hopeman, Alan Roswell Jr. | 1973 | Water Resources Research Center- University of Minnesota Graduate School |
, MN
Flooding, Economic Analysis, Flood-Hazard Areas | Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Procedures for handling aerometric data | Nehls, G.J | 1973 | J. Air Pollutant Control Association |
Statistics and data analysis in geology | Davis, J.S | 1973 | John Wiley and Sons Ltd. |
New York
, NY
Water Resources of the Cottonwood River Watershed, Southwestern Minnesota | Broussard, W.L | 1973 | USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Special Flood hazard information: Minnesota River and Tributaries at Mankato, North Mankato, Le Hiller | Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers | 1973 | Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
St. Paul
, MN
mnpals | |
Blue Earth River Subbasin: Study Area 1 of the Minnesota River Basin portion of a Southern Minneota Rivers Basin Study | 1972 | US Dept of Agriculture |
Quaternary Geology of Southwestern Minnesota | Matsch, CL | 1972 | Geology of Minnesota: A Centennial Vol |
St. Paul
, MN