
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Flood control Minnesota River, Minnesota, Mankato-North Mankato- Le Hiller: design memorandum no. 8- Part I (Location Study) and draft supplement II to the final environmental impact statement for brige relocations: Main Street, trunk Highway 60 bridge ov Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers 1981 Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers
St. Paul , MN ,
A teacher's guide for geologic field investigations in Minnesota Phinney, William C 1967 Dept of Education
St. Paul , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: organchlorine compounds in streambed sediments and fish tissues, 1995-97 McNellis, Ryan P 2001 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: trace elements in streambed sediment and fish livers, 1995-96 Kroening, Sharon E 2000 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Nutrient sources within the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1991-93 Kroening, Sharon E 1998 Dept of Interior, USGS
Reston , VA ,
Causes of variations in water quality and aquatic ecology in rivers of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin Stark , James R. 1997 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: review of selected literature Andrews, William J 1996 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Selected water-quality characteristics in the upper Mississippi River basin, Royalton to Hastings, Minnesota Have, Mark R 1991 Dept of Interior, USGS
St. Paul , MN ,
Pesticides in streams in part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1974-94 Fallon, James D. 2000 Dept of Interior, USGS
Reston , VA ,
Changes in flood response of the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota-Minnesota Miller, Jeffrey E 1984 Dept of Interior, USGS
Reston , VA ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: ground-water quality in three different land-use arears 1996-98 Fong, Alison L 2000 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin study unit, Minnesota and Wisconsin : nutrients, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, and suspended sediment in streams, 1996-98 Kroening, Sharon E 2003 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: ground-water quality in Paririe du Chien-Jordon quifer 1996 Fong, Alison L 1998 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Effects of impoundments on water quality of streams in the Coteau des Prairies- upper Minnesota River Basin Smith , C.J. 1991 Dept of Interior, USGS
St. Paul , MN ,
Mercury, methylmercury, and other water-quality data from flood-control impoundments and natural waters of the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota 1997-99 Brigham, Mark E. 1999 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Relation of periphyton and benthic invertebrate communities to environmental factors and land use at selected sites in part of the upper Mississippi River basin, 1996-98 ZumBerge, Jeremy R. 2003 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: volatile organic compounds in surface and ground water, 1978-94 Andrews, Willam J 1995 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: nitrogen and phosphorus in streamsn, streambed sediment, and ground water, 1971-94 Kroening, Sharon E 1997 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: environmental setting and study design Stark , J.R. 1996 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
Watershed-scale research from many perspectives: the Interdisciplinary Research Initiative at the Shingobee River headwaters area, Minnesota Dosenberry, D.O 1998 Dept of the Interior, USGS
Reston , VA ,
