Impacts of land-use changes on the hydrologic regime in the Minnesota River Basin |
Ennaanay, D |
2006 |
Univerysity of Minnesota-Twin Cities |
Sources of sediment in Lake Pepin on the Upper Mississippi River in response to Holocene climatic changes |
Kelley, DW |
2006 |
Journal of Paleolimnology |
Native plants and 3rd crops for water quality BERBI 3rd crop producers, 3rd crop demonstration sites |
MN Legislature |
2006 |
Blue Earth River Basin Inititative |
mnpals |
The Omnivore's Dilemna: A Natural History of Four Meals |
Pollan , Michael |
2006 |
Penguin Press |
mrbtr |
Lower Minnesota River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Implementation Plan |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
2006 |
Regional Division, MPCA |
mrbtr |
Relationship Between Aquatic Plant Cover and Fish Populations Based on Minnesota Lake Survey Data |
Cross, Timothy |
2006 |
Plant Cover, Fish Populations, Minnesota Lake Survey |
Changing Landscapes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area |
Manson, Steven |
2006 |
CURA Reporter |
mrbtr |
Minnesota River Basin: Impaired Waters, TMDLs and Water Quality |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Safe Drinking Water in Minnesota: A summary of Drinking Water Protection Activities for 2007 |
Minnesota Department of Health |
2007 |
| |
Stream flow in Minnesota: Indicator of climate change |
Novotny, E.V. |
2007 |
J. Hydrol |
Greater Blue Earth River Watershed Initiative |
Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development |
2007 |
Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development |
Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development |
Climatology |
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota Population Projections 2005 to 2035 |
Minnesota State Demographic Center |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Exploring the world of mussels |
Muscatello, Serra |
2007 |
New Ulm Journal |
mrbtr |
Nutrient and Pesticide Management Assessment of Producers-Seven Mile Creek Watershed |
Minnesota Department of Agriculture |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Sediment provenance in the Minnesota River basin- Using lakes to determine river sediment source types |
Blumentritt, D |
2007 |
American Geophysical Union |
| |
One rock at a time- Saving Granite Outcrops |
Kudelka, Scott |
2007 |
MSU,M Water Resources Center |
mrbtr |
An Integrated Sediment Budget for the Le Sueur River in Southern Minnesota |
Day, S.S. |
2007 |
American Geophysical Union |
| |
Induced Winterkill as a Management Tool for Reclaiming Minnesota Walleye Rearing Ponds |
Shroyer, Steven M |
2007 |
Walleye, Rearing Ponds, Induced Winterkill |
Agricultural Census |
US Census of Agriculture |
2007 |
mrbtr |