Voyage Down the Minnesota |
Krohn, Tim |
1998 |
The Free Press |
Canoe, Big Stone Lake, Mississippi River |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Carver County Fecal Coliform Study |
Carver County |
1998 |
Rivers |
Simulating Climate Change Effects in a Minnesota Agricultural Watershed |
Hanratty, Micahel P |
1998 |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
| |
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
mnpals |
Bacteria in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
Bacteira, Minnesota River Basin Plan, Agricultural Runoff |
Potato Survey: Central Sands 1995 |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1998 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Potato, Irrigated Outwash Sands, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council |
MN Dept of Ag |
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/Minnesota River Joint Powers Board |
Phosphorus, Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Nonpoint Pollution Sources |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Richard "Fred" Arey/Gaylord Schanilec/Fine arts book |
Cavanagh, Eileen |
1998 |
Minnesota Center for the Book and Metronet in conjunction with Metro Cable Network, St. Paul Neighborhood Network |
mnpals |
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
mnpals |
Prarie Island Mitigation of Envrionmental Impacts- Phase III |
1998 |
Genral Information: Farms on Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1998 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Farms, Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils, County Educators |
MN Dept of Ag |
Dairy Farmers Located on the Karst Region of Southeast MN |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1998 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Dairy Farms, Karst Region, Southeast MN |
MN Dept of Ag |
Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota |
Patterson, Carrie J |
1998 |
University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Use of Limnetic Zooplankton Sampling in Assessments of Fish Community Structure in Minnesota Bass-panfish Lakes |
Westerlund, Julie E |
1998 |
Zooplankton, Fish Community, Bass-Panfish Lakes |
Minnesota River Watershed comprehensive recreation guidance document and trail corridor concept plan |
1998 |
Minnesota River Watershed, Recreation, Guide |
mnpals |
Nutrient sources within the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1991-93 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
1998 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Fluvial forms and processes |
Knighton, D |
1998 |
Oxford University Press |
Minnesota River Basin Water Quality Overview |
Mulla, D.J. |
1997 |
MN Extension Service, University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Minnesota River Basin Water Quality Overview |
Mulla , D.J. |
1997 |
Minnesota Extension Service, Unitversity of Minnesota |
Water Quality, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Pollution Sources |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Beyond the flood: flood of '97, the people, their stories |
Griffith, Melody |
1997 |
Minnesota Broadcasters Association |
mnpals |