Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook |
2005 |
Minnesota Department of Transportation, Office of Environmental Services |
Bonferroni Correction |
Weisstein, E.W |
2005 |
MathWorld |
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BonferroniCorrection.html |
Rivers of North America |
Sonnack, Kelly |
2005 |
Elsvier Academic Press |
2004 Outdoor Recreation Facility Survey of Minnesota Cities, Counties and School Districts |
Sushak, Ron |
2005 |
Office of Management and Budget Services |
mrbtr |
Draining Swan Lake for the ducks |
Stachura, Sea |
2005 |
Minnesota Public Radio |
mrbtr |
Reinvest in Minnesota Fact Sheet |
Board of Water and Soil Resources |
2005 |
Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources |
http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/easements/rim/factsheet.html |
Nutrient Management Assessment of Producers South Branch of the Root River, 2003 |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
2005 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Nutrients, Produces, Management Assessment |
MN Dept of Ag |
Minnesota Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
2005 |
mrbtr |
Devolpment of a Prototype Video-Based Fisheries Assesment Unit |
Isermann, Daniel A |
2005 |
Video-Based Fisheries, Field Performance, Waterproof Camera |
Woody Debris and Steelhead |
Close, Tracy L |
2005 |
Woody Debris, Steelhead, Lake Superior |
Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area Phosphorus Index Prototype Calculator Sample Problems |
Oliver, Kelly |
2005 |
Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area |
http://www.rcrca.com/P%20Index%20Sample%20Problems%20Jan%2005_SW.pdf |
Tracing suspended sediment sources in catchments and river systems |
Walling , DE |
2005 |
Science of the Total Environment |
Blue Earth River heavily polluted |
Steil, Mark |
2005 |
Blue Earth River, Pollutant, Sediment |
Tillage and nutrient source impacts on water quality and corn grain yield from a flat landscape |
Thoma , D.P. |
2005 |
J. Envrionmetnal Quality |
Land Use and Resource Management |
The value of hydrologic data and interagency coordination in protecting drinking-water supplies in Minnesota Rivers |
Stark , James R |
2005 |
mnpals |
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing |
Yuan, Fei |
2005 |
Remote Sensing of the Environment |
mrbtr |
Temporal analysis of the frequency and duration of low and high stream flow: Years of record needed to characterize stream flow variability |
Huh, S |
2005 |
J. Hydrol |
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2005 |
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat |
2004 Stream Monitoring and assessment Report |
Metropolitan Council |
2005 |
Through these eyes: The First 70 Years of Soil and Water Conservation in Minnesota |
Ruhland, Vic |
2005 |
Minnesota Office, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service |
mrbtr |