Glacial story of Minnesota River Valley |
Apitz, Darrel F |
1975 |
mnpals |
About Mercury |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
| |
Minnesota River phosphorus cleanup |
Minnesota Public Radio |
2006 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota National Lakes Assessment Project: Pesticides in Minnesota Lakes |
Minnesota Department of Agriculture |
2008 |
mrbtr |
Ambient Toxicity Assessments in the Minnesota River Basin |
C. Arthur, J.W. |
1993 |
Shallow Lakes of Southern Minnesota: Status and trend summary for selected lakes |
2003 |
mrbtr |
North American Reporting Center for Amphibian Malformations webstie |
National Biological Information Infrastructure |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Farm Subsidy Database-Environmental Working Group |
mrbtr |
Census of Agriculture: Minnesota state and county data |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistic Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota River Basin: General Phosphorus Permit-Phase 1 |
MPCA Website |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Progress on a Long Voyage: Decades of Improvement in Minnesota River Water Quality |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Assessment of Impact of Organic Pollutants on Fish in the Minnesota River Watershed by Hepatic Aminopyrine N-Demthylase Activity |
Mercurio, S.D |
1994 |
Groundwater and Your Health website |
Minnesota Department of Health |
2009 |
mrbtr |
An Investigation into the existence of an annual "store/flush" mechanism for sediment transport and phosphorus re-speciation within two agricultural drainage ditches in the Minnesota river basin |
Kronlokken, J. David |
2001 |
mnpals |
Protecting America's Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible, and Effective Approach |
White House Office on Envrionmental Policy |
1993 |
Minnesota Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
2005 |
mrbtr |
Malformed Frogs in Minnesota |
U.S. Geological Survey website |
2009 |
mrbtr |
America's Most Endangered Rivers- 2008 Edition |
American Rivers |
2008 |
mrbtr |
Minnnesota Statistics |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
2005 |
mrbtr |