Temporal analysis of the frequency and duration of low and high stream flow: Years of record needed to characterize stream flow variability |
Huh, S |
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J. Hydrol |
IBM University Partners Program (UPP) |
IBM Corporation |
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Education |
Information Sciences Institute |
IBM Corporation |
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Information Exchange |
Devolpment of a Prototype Video-Based Fisheries Assesment Unit |
Isermann, Daniel A |
2005 |
Video-Based Fisheries, Field Performance, Waterproof Camera |
Can minimum Length Improve Size Structure in Minnesota Black Crappie Populations? |
Isermann, Daniel A |
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Black Crappie, Trap Nets, Size |
A Plan for Recreational Trails in the Minnesota River Valley |
Itasca Engineering, Inc. |
Jan-1969 |
Itasca Engineering, Inc. |
Recreational Trails, Fort Snelling, Trail Development |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Water Resource Inventory of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District |
Itasca Engineering, Inc. |
Jan-1969 |
Lower Minnesota River Watershed District |
Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, Minnesota River Recommendations, Pollution Problems |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Growth of Northern Pike in Minnesota |
Jacobson, Peter |
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Northern Pike, Lake Surveys, Park Rapids |
The Role of Research in Minnesota Fisheries Management: An Update |
Jacobson, Peter |
1991 |
Fisheries Management, Investigational Report Series, Sampling |
Attitudes of Minnesota Residents about Fishing Issues |
Jacobson, Peter C |
1999 |
Fisheries Issues, Minnesota Residents, Minnesota DNR |
TMDL Case Study: The Lower Minnesota River |
Jacobson, Ron |
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TMDL, Waste Water Treatment Plants, Water Quality |
Lower Minnesota River Wast Load Allocation Study |
Jacobson, Ronald M. |
Oct-1985 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Section |
Pollutant, Point-Source Pollution-Control, Minnesota River |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Introduction: Managing Rivers with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts |
James, L. Allan |
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Phosphorus Loading from the Redwood River Basin: Fractination of Labile and Refractory Components |
James, William F |
2001 |
http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/elpubs/pdf/wqtnpd08.pdf |
Sediment Source Apportionment to the Lake Pepin TMDL-Source Characterization |
Jennings , CE |
2010 |
Minnesota Geological Survey |
Little Minnesota River Watershed/Big Stone Lake Restoration/Continuation Project |
Jensen, Mike |
2007 |
Roberts Conservation District |
Roberts County |
The Prehistoric Peoples of Minnesota |
Johnson, Elden |
1988 |
Minnesota Historical Society Press |
American Indian Ancestry, Archaeological Cultural Traditions, Minnesota's Prehistory |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Assessing river water quality trends in the Minnesota River Basin |
Johnson, H.J.O |
2006 |
University of Minnesota |
Assessment of Water Quality Trends in the Minnesota River using Non-Parametric and Parametric Methods |
Johnson, Heather O |
2008 |
Journal of Environmental Quality |
mrbtr |
Impact of Minnesota River on Lake Pepin and the Mississippi River. |
Johnson, Kent |
2002 |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
mrbtr |